“Hey its Kate from Los Angeles, and recently I have been asked by certain guys as to whether or not they want me to approach them or if I want a man to approach me and they are also kind of concerned with what singles women are giving off and if they really are actually giving off singles so a man will come to them.
I am here to clear up all the confusion for you guys. It’s as simple as this, me personally, let me make that clear, personally where other women may not feel the same as me but I personally do enjoy it when a man is going to approach me. I like to feel like the man really is looking at me and he sees something special about me.
Sure I like to be able to look at a man and see something special in and its sometimes a good idea for me to go ahead and make the approach to a man but when it comes down to it I think the man should have the balls enough to come up to me and just start talking to me.
The best approach that works for me is when you come up either on my side or just to my face. Never come up from behind me I’ve had a couple of those and they turn out to give me the feeling like stalkish crazy guys and I didn’t really like that.
It would be a cute idea even if you guys even wanted to start dancing with me I mean I am in the middle of the dance floor and I am already dancing with another guy, just politely cut in it would be really cute just as long as you can tell that is not my boyfriend because if I have a boyfriend and you cut in you may look kind of like an asshole. But we are hoping that I am not going to have a boyfriend when you see me, right exactly. So you guys can go ahead and cut in while I am dancing or you can come up to me while I am at the bar, you can make a move to help move my groceries when I am leaving the grocery store.
Any kind of simple approach from the side or the front make eye contact with me and smile. Don’t worry about how silly you feel or how funny you think you look chances are if you have confidence you are not going to look or feel silly. Because I am totally going to be into the confidence that you are showing me,and I love it just be yourself smile and make eye contract.
I’m telling you guy’s eye contact and smiling makes all the difference. Go ahead and approach me I would really love it.I hope you guys have a great day and I hope this confidence booster has really been able to do its job.
So thanks and I’ll talk to you guys soon.
{ 13233 comments… read them below or add one }
[..YouTube..] B.S. she only wants a man that she is physically attracted to or at least meet most of her standards FIRST by nature to approach her. If not, she will reject you from the get go like ignore you or pretend you are invisible. I know by experience, so one of my first solutions to this is to improve/upgrade your looks and than work on your game which I am in the process of doing now.
[..YouTube..] @RussX53 She might be not physically interested at first, but who knows. Maybe if you show self confidence and funny etc, she might become interested. Or someone can be very good looking but act like a douche bag or lack of confidence its isn’t better. For me, I think I’m average asian looking guy, but I feel that I might attract certain type of women (I did in the past). So like you said I’m working on my look and game. Good luck.
[..YouTube..] That felt really scripted. I swear JT was standing behind that camera with flashcards.
[..YouTube..] Confidence is hard, especially when statistically speaking Asian mens chances of success is less than a Black or White men. There just isn’t a lot of AMWW couple around, and growing up as an Asian boy that is what I had to accept.
[..YouTube..] And expanding on the confidence part, going up as an Asian boy there is not a lot of successful men to look up to. You got people like Brad Pitt, Will Smith, Denzel Washington, Morgan Freemen that people of all races look up to. However none of them are Asian, the closest one is Bruce lee but he was a generation before me. And recently they got some white guy to star as Goku in Dragonball, and of course with an Asian female love interest. American society just hasn’t accepted Asian Men.
[..YouTube..] Every time an Asian boy turns on the TV he would be bombarded by the American social media, that could potentially affect they boy’s self confidence. And the worst part is, young white girls gets exposed to the same thing. Just look at statistics, there has never been an Asian man regarded to as societies sex symbol.
John Cho was voted 2009’s sexiest man alive…you were saying?
[..YouTube..] @lordzeager Thanks. In fact as a whole I am a confident and positive/happy guy. Like I said from experience. On the days I look better like keep my hair cut short (because in reality my hair is receding) wear solid collar shirts I get better attention and responses from women and on days I don’t look as attractive I barely get any attention from women. So about the whole B.S. myth that the PUA says that a woman doesn’t care about a guy’s looks is complete B.S. anyhow thanks for the props.
[..YouTube..] @AwesomeAlvin dude I feel that if someone wants something in this world and is willing to work hard enough for it, there is no reason why he can’t get it. If you’re going to make the excuse and say that it’s hard for an asian guy to hit on a white girl and get her number, then guess what, you’ll never do it. Stop pitying yourself for being Asian, we Asians are more intelligent than any other race. Look the best you can, and being Asian can actually act in your favour.
[..YouTube..] I won’t wish for it,sweetheart(;
[..YouTube..] @asdfkie Not sure about the “work hard enough for it” part because I want to take over the entire world and am willing to work hard enough for it, yet I still won’t be able to get what I want. 😛
[..YouTube..] the woman will seriously think I’m a weirdo if I walk towards her and talk, really no kid
[..YouTube..] @strongyang If it’s that serious a problem, then it’s probably due to your body language, fashion, and looks. You may be giving her a creepy vibe. Otherwise, most beautiful women are receptive to men who approach them confidently.
[..YouTube..] @RussX5Z Of course looks, height, muscles, fashion, hair and race matters. Anyone who says different is trying to sell you snake oil. But look at JT. He is by no means a good looking guy at all or even physically attractive, but he is charming and has a very dominant, alpha personality. While he may not “naturally” get women because of his looks (or lack thereof), he’s successful with women because he doesn’t lay back and hope that beautiful women come up to him. He makes it happen.
[..YouTube..] @muffdriver69 If you work hard enough, trust me, you can.
[..YouTube..] @AsianManWhiteWoman
I’ve never walk up to a gorgeous lady before, even if I want to 😉
[..YouTube..] If the asian man has a few million in his acct he will be approached by a white woman
Why are you such a downer? Dude, cheer
up. Are you even Asian or some someone
posing as Asian to plants doubts?
[..YouTube..] @AsianManWhiteWoman Not sure who’s the one using the account here, but I don’t think JT is that bad looking. It’s all about how you make the effort to look your best and how you carry yourself. I do agree that you have to make things happen. Sometimes you just have to take a chance, it’s a pretty big risk that could go either way, but it’s a risk worth taking.
[..YouTube..] I love white girls like you
[..YouTube..] I agree. Most guys don’t approach women… or at least not the right way. My female friends tell me that even good looking guys just gawk at them, hoping that the girl would give them a “go- signal.” Well, I’m told most girls won’t. But I’m told if a guy exudes confidence & charm when he comes up, most girls are drawn to him. So to test the theory, I approached a girl whom I thought was out of my league. After a 5 minute convo, she offered her number! It didn’t work out, but I learned something.
[..YouTube..] who is this girl? It’s very weird to stop a girl in the street and tell her I am interested in her.
[..YouTube..] @neanam Possibly. But regardless of your race, having a lot of money and advertising it somehow to the public tends to attract… golddiggers.
[..YouTube..] @AwesomeAlvin I don’t know about you, but the late 1990s wasn’t as good for AM representation as today… maybe worse, but somehow, I still got numbers and some relations. In hindsight, perhaps it was because I never took approaching the girl too seriously. It wasn’t life-or-death or seeking a long term relationship I was seeking but a good time. If not, no biggie. On to the next one. Generally, out of 10 approaches, 3 – 4 were successful enough to get a number.
[..YouTube..] @asdfkie Funny that you said “being Asian can actually work in your favor.” I distinctly remember a few years ago my last gf, an American of Romanian/Eastern European origin, said something about Filipinos. That she adored their “joie-de-vivre” personality and sense of humor, esp. when they party. That’s a big hint to what kind of guy she likes; so I ran with it. Now, if I can’t find a woman like that, not my loss. I suppose the lesson here becomes NOT if she’s into me but if I’m into her.
[..YouTube..] @Zoloft77 Or where Im from if you flaunt your money around them goons is going to be at your back door and rob you.
[..YouTube..] Why did you send me a friend request? You already know I’mma deny it. Weird ass bitch.
[..YouTube..] What she says is actually true. You don’t lose anything for approaching to girls.
she seems kinda fake…hot nevertheless
Ancient Far Eastern Secret: Why (Asian) Men Don’t Approach Women
Everytime an Asian man gets rejected from asking a girl out, their skin is immediately ripped off by a band of gremlins, which is followed by a small group of trolls which douses the Asian man with lemon juice….that’s why Asian men don’t approach girls!
Now you know why!
[..YouTube..] we are still a conservative Society. the Man is SUPPOSE to be the first one to approach a woman. Too many people consider it ODD if the woman approached the man
[..YouTube..] Most women want the man to approach them, so you are no different than most women.
As for we not having the balls to approach you, well I guess you don’t have the tits to approach us.
[..YouTube..] Life is short. Grab it by the balls! If you like a girl bad enough go and talk to her, otherwise you’ll keep kicking yourself for letting that one get away. It’s not always the guys fault though. I’m sorry but some of you ladies have got to stop caking on the makeup and pretending everyday is a beauty pageant. It really makes it difficult for us guys to approach you when you’re being so superficial with your clothes, makeup, purses, whatever. Be casual so it’ll let us know you’re down-to-earth.
[..YouTube..] It’s okay to cut in if she’s dancing with someone and and “hopefully” isn’t her boyfriend… I don’t know… she makes it sound like she’s hardly ever single and goes through several guys.
[..YouTube..] It’s true though… I’ve been single for so many years because I never went for it, fear of rejection or whatever. But I went for it and got someone who’s totally out of my league. Got to be confident.
[..YouTube..] Haha! Not bad! She’s lacking some of the bullshit that is extremely common with women and dating advice aimed at men. Keep it real.
[..YouTube..] Sound textbook stuff. All you just said has been repeated many times before such that it has become a safe reason to say why asian men dont date white women. there must be other deeper reasons than this superficial
[..YouTube..] damn ionno i alwayssss approach asian guys but eh it depends on the white chick. any asian guy that’s approached me though, has always come off as creepy…..and if something is creepy for me, then you KNOW it’s creepy. don’t lose hope guys! just be yourself :] seriously.
I talked to white girls, who happened to say hi to me or tied my shoelace under my tables at the parties. Well, they never give me their phone numbers…lol. So, casual/random meetup doesn’t works for me. However, the white girls who give me their numbers are net friends and friend of a friend who wants a temporary friend with benefits. 🙂 . Nevertheless, for those, that had fun with me, they share a common idea, they dislike having their own kids.
Something to add, while I was dancing with my white female friend in a Hollywood club, I find it impolite for a semi naked guy to cut in and grab her waist. Unfortunately, knowing she like it, I have spared him. After he moved away to the next target, I was dancing back with her, and a lady who talked with her in the restroom , danced nearer to us and ask, why am I dancing so close to her, and my friend replied, “He is my friend!”. Then she talked to me that she is an amazing girl and start dancing around us with her butt hitting my butt…lol..Is that her way of dancing? Anyway, I didn’t care to pay attention to her, even though she is sexy, because we are not from the area and I am there to escort my friend to party as it was the last event of her favorite club.
[..YouTube..] did she just say balls? lol don’t say that
[..YouTube..] Good video. I think that you are giving practical and useful advice here. Meaning, what nice approachable white woman would NOT want a handsome, smiling, non-threatening GENTLEMAN to ask her if he could help her with something (like help her carry her groceries etc..etc..) or just compliment her, while maintaining eye-contact and relaying sincerity?!
I date Asian men because an Asian GENTLEMAN gave me a hug one day whenever I was crying. He totally opened my eyes to dating Asian MEN.
[..YouTube..] im asian guy i want a white girl to hop my dick
[..YouTube..] Too self-absorbed and the the valley-girl voice is annoying, kbye
[..YouTube..] A few worthy mentions to encourage asian men, Look up Miss Universe Natalie Glebova is married to a Thai Tennis star, British Porn star Kenni Styles has a 9 inch dick and hes asian, Al Gores daughter and former Australian prime minister Paul Rudds daughter both married Chinese guys. Larisa Rui Sha has made a few taiwanese Music vids and dramas with asian guys and has also been linked with them romantically in real life.
There are many other examples but forgot there names.
[..YouTube..] Actor Liu Ye is married to a French girl, Chinese actor Daniel Wu is married to super Model Lisa Selesner, Actress Diane Farr is married to a Chinese guy, Actress Anna Chlumsky married a chinese guy, Victoria Secret Model Julia Stegner has an Asian boyfriend, And many others if you know how to use the internet.
Its entirely possible for us Asian guys to score with white women. Hell go to asiaman . com this chinese guy has sex with almost 300 white girls alone
[..YouTube..] @AsianManWhiteWoman so given your ideology when it comes to finding a partner. as a male, you better have an ass like J Lo and be thin like jessica alba. let me know how that works for ya
[..YouTube..] Wow you’re from Los Angeles. I’m from San Diego!
[..YouTube..] @asdfkie
stupid asians are desperate for whites…lol WHITE WOMEN = HOT..
[..YouTube..] this video just shows that asians, chinks, niggers, gooks, spics, wogs, sandniggas, indians are all desperate for WHITES! whites = supreme!
[..YouTube..] this white chick is not even that pretty but i know non-white mentality. for them any white (even fat ugly etc) is better looking than them lol
[..YouTube..] Sorry the two comments right below me were not meant for this video.
[..YouTube..] Fuck that shit. i live in the south
[..YouTube..] Test
[..YouTube..] You’ve just got two improve yourself as a man in different ways & overcompensate. For ex:doing the things to change yourself two make yourself more attractive to women as long as they are the right things,improving yourself personality-wise,gaining self-confidence,belief in yourself,being able to carry on an intelligent conversation,sense of humor,etc,etc. You may be rejected a few times,but must develop the strength, bravery, courage, enough to be persistent until u succeed. All u need is one.
[..YouTube..] Uncomfortable & intimidating? Thank God all Asian Men are not like u and more and more have guts unlike u and r dating White Women. You’re just hopeless & feeling sorry for yourself. That will never get you a White Woman in a million years. Just listen to the women tell you how to get them,that will tell you what to do.They are the best source of advice and nice and kind for doing so. Sometimes, good to be strong and silent,but outgoing when getting women.Not all WW dont like AM. Take a chance.
[..YouTube..] “video game addicts,math wiz,& socially inept” You’re right,we should not be like this at all. These guys do not get girls at all,if Asian Guys who are like this do not change,things will always stay the same and they will always be unhappy,miserable,lonely and alone in life. A change must be made by some Asian Men. In order to get a pretty White Woman like the woman above,you have to do well in life and grow as a human being to become a man in life,responsible,mature,who women want to be with.
[..YouTube..] “White Women Will Not Approach Asian Men (So Stop Wishing For It) ”
Dont you guyz think that the title of this video have no relation to it’s content ?
The cute white chick is talking about how a man should approach a women. And it has nothing to do with racial thing.
[..YouTube..] Attractiveness is how you carry yourself. Appearance has alot to do with it but charm is the key. Asian men lack this charm because they are too busy playing games and studying. They dont care about their appearance which is sad. Those so called “nerds” portrayed by the media and accepted by mainstream society is what limits Asian male magnetism.
[..YouTube..] @atonementpreset azn men don’t care about their appearance?! i don’t know where your from or who you hang wit but me, my friends, and even different places i been to, we azn are on point. we started improvin our appearance and lookin good the moment we found out about pusssy. that’s why in high skool till now we’ve been gettin alot of haters cuz we just that clean. charm we got but its not something we need. truthfully its bout playin the game & havin skills, this isn’t just azn men but all men
[..YouTube..] your title needs to change since it has nothing to do with azn men or white women not approaching azn men. your video itself is just about a certain group of men where race or color doesn’t matter. oh yeah, i did had one white gurl who approach me =P reality wise there are no occasion that a female would walk up to a guy, and if there are some, it is rare to see women do that.
[..YouTube..] @KoolJayJ keni styles never claimed he has nine inch dick, in fact you can ask him his penis size and he will ignore the question.
[..YouTube..] @xtremixt1 just go look up his porno’s than, his dick is obviously a strong 8 inch to a weak 9 inch
[..YouTube..] @KoolJayJ I seen his porn clips before and believe me they are NOT 8 inches. They look more like 6 to 7 inches with 7 being the max.
[..YouTube..] You have too high standards. No men will want to approach you, not to mention Asians men alone. You’re not the only girl in the world.
[..YouTube..] i think the reason why not all asian guys doesn’t have some guts to date white women is simply like, the qualifications are not met by some of us..
[..YouTube..] she is so hot, I would love to fuck her white ass
[..YouTube..] this girl needs a reality check, not all girls r just like her. Also, just cuz guys don’t approach u doesn’t mean they don’t have confidence. maybe they dont want to date u. i sure as hell dont, unless u offered me a blowjob. :-\
[..YouTube..] your voice is really annoying and way to egocentric, and wtf’s up with your title?
[..YouTube..] “I think the man should have the “balls” enough to be able come to me” – you should really watch what you say b/c it makes you seem cheap. talkin about guys balls and stuff out of that pretty mouth..
[..YouTube..] i cant believe all the negative comments guys are posting on here…the girls trying to help you lame people out…
[..YouTube..] @ktdoc Want You To Make Her Feel Like Shes The Only Girl In The World LMAO
[..YouTube..] Let Me Even The Odds For You And Make THat 15 Thumbs Down 16, You Know To Match Your Thumbs Up … >..> Just Tryna Help Incase You Hate Odd Numbers Like Me
[..YouTube..] you look like heidi from the hills
[..YouTube..] you are totally wrong! I m a asian who ever get a love letter from a pretty white girl with number and kiss on it, however I’ve already got girlfriend. What a pity!
[..YouTube..] this sounds really scripted, how much do they pay you?
[..YouTube..] To put this baby to rest, asian men expects the white girl to approach them because we are only attracted to white girls who are interested.
[..YouTube..] To put this baby to rest, asian men expects the white girl to approach them because we are only attracted to white girls who are interested.
If a white girl is interested, then approach the asian man because asian guys will never approach a white girl. We are not desperate.
[..YouTube..] hehehehe…
[..YouTube..] I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again… what’s the big deal about women not approaching men they like? I wonder how many times women miss out on a guy they like because the guy either didn’t approach them. Just because the guy doesn’t automatically make the approach doesn’t mean he wouldn’t be receptive. I’ve had women approach me a lot, and I happen to like it. I’ve also approached women as well, but I always wonder why it’s so… one sided. It’s also really funny that women expect
[..YouTube..] confidence from a guy doing the approaching, but when women approach guys they are usually NOT AT ALL confident.
[..YouTube..] my my what a stuck up bitch this girl is. she’s so picky as to how she’ll date.
[..YouTube..] this is BS. confidence is only a piece of the pie you’re tryin to get, u also need looks and skills. sure there may be some who thinks that race matter *cough* (asianmanwhitewoman) but there are women out there that don’t care about race, AND they look fuckin better too, that would go out with u. im sure russx5z mention this, so work on ur appearance, confidence, and game. once you work on looks then it’ll raise your confidence, confidence will lead you to a better game, game will get u the pie
[..YouTube..] be yourself my ass, its not themself if they have to do things they don’t want, like approaching you.
[..YouTube..] @asdfkie You asians are very intelligent,but you asians also have very small dicks.like Nelson from the simpsons says HA HA XD
[..YouTube..] @TheWeakHuman Stop complaining, hit the gym, gain the muscle than you’ll gain some confidence. Until then, stfu, weakling. LOL, the irony of your name is astounding.
[..YouTube..] yo, i’m from Los Angeles. I’d approach this snow bunny with some Asian smooth shit!!
[..YouTube..] @visionimagify First of all i have confidence, and second just because you saw my message, then you think i’m fat, so funny. i’m not going to brag about i’m training or not, to a fool that thinks he knows people.
[..YouTube..] dont u guys think that all this media approach makes Asian men even more…. well, embarrassing? I mean of course u guys have to stop pitying urself abt how hard it is to hit on a white girl…. but this whole media thing had been stereotyping Asians in a humiliation way …. and now this??? nothing gets even worse…
[..YouTube..] @JegoLuce as an asian man, do you find it harder to approach “snowbunnies” then asian women? do you prefer “snowbunnies”? just curious.
[..YouTube..] @TheWeakHuman that’s a good point. but there are or have often been things about ourselves that needed changing. there’s nothing wrong with a little change for the better.
[..YouTube..] @ninja909 how is she picky? i think she sounds pretty open-minded.
[..YouTube..] @FuckUtube4Life2010 cause she’s all “well if you want to date me you have to do this, this, and this, oh and you have to be the person to talk to me first cause i have too much pride to talk to the likes of you”.
[..YouTube..] @ninja909 i guess man. i supposed she’s post to just say, “if you have a penis just walk up a put it in”. EVERYBODY has standards dude. it’s got nothing to do with being picky. not that her standards are low or high, but they’re HER standards. and let me tell you, what she said is no different then what any other woman is gonna tell you. 99 percent of the women out there want the exact same things in a man that she just pointed out. so if you think SHE’S picky, you’re gonna have problems dude.
[..YouTube..] @FuckUtube4Life2010 and thus women are mindless emotionless stuck up pigs and i have higher priorities and loyalties.
[..YouTube..] She might as well be giving her advice to guys og ANY ethnicity, so why does the title of her video specify Asian men, especially when she never even mention the word “Asian”?
[..YouTube..] Hahahaha, only weak degenerate and cultureless females look towards asians for a relationship.
[..YouTube..] my answer to everything: be epic
[..YouTube..] @Lrdvltr nah only weak degenerate women talk to shit for brains guys like u
[..YouTube..] You are cute. But you seem to be too instructive. Also, you talk too much about “I want this, & I want that” stuff. A lot of ppl find that very unattractive. If I remember correctly, this sort of things are called “Princess Syndromes”. I’m not trying to be mean, so take this as a constructive criticism.
In addition, try to think about what you can do for others (in the context of dating, or in general). If you do that, you will be successful in dating & everything else.
Cheers, Miss
[..YouTube..] @FuckUtube4Life2010 HAHA it’s so easy to approach women.
I prefer all types of women but I’m just more down for Caucasian women because I grew up in Asia and I’m bored of Asian chicks. Caucasian women have nicer nipples most of the time too. Hahahahahaha
[..YouTube..] you guys should find hot white girls at bars, give her a $20 bill, tell her you want more beer and just walk away. when she runs after you to return your money just be like “oh i know you’re not a server, i just want you to come over here so i can talk to you cause i think you’re really pretty.” BOOOOOM!! god damn! that shit is sick huh?
[..YouTube..] I’m an Asian male and I will not approach white, black or Hispanic women because I fear they don’t like Asian men. I am afraid there might be racism in them. I just stick to my own race. It is easier for me to deal. If an Asian female rejects me then I don’t feel it is about my race but rather I just don’t have something they want. If a white female rejects me then I feel it is about racism.
[..YouTube..] @JegoLuce i feel you. i like all shades of the pussy as well, but i think i might just have a slight preference for the vanilla as well. lol.
[..YouTube..] @KhmerD0g You’re missing out because you focus on race too much instead of just using your game and being a dude looking for a girl.
[..YouTube..] Whoever this bitch is. Stop pretending. Fucking Americans. USA = next Roman Empire in 50 years.
[..YouTube..] kudos. some good advices here.
[..YouTube..] @tttfrenetic
i see america going the way of the Roman Empire within 4 years, not 50 years
[..YouTube..] The title isn’t exactly true, my ex approached me first before I decided to ask her out.
[..YouTube..] fuck this shit i just whip out my dick
[..YouTube..] @KhmerD0g So sad, but I see that many people, especially Asians in America feel this way. Can’t think this way man, it’s instilled prejudice, extreme racial awareness you’re feeling here.
[..YouTube..] i have the balls to talk to white girls. the problem is that when you say you have a BF. of course i won’t ask you out no more. some tells me that girls just wants to tell guys that they have a bf so girls won’t look bad. im just confused about that. i tend to have that extremely friendly feeling. that’s why a few picks on me.
If you are attracted to a woman nothing will happen unless you approach her.Do not stand by yourself instead mingle, talk to others and work the room. This will make you seem socially adept and vibrant person which helps generate attraction.
how to attract a woman
[..YouTube..] I think this white woman looks very ugly to ordinary Asian men and no Asian man would ever ask any date. She is offensive and Asian men get scared of her.
I am a Asian Chinese man (born and rise in Asia) with a Swiss German Wife, we have marriage for about 14 years now, and together we have 2 Children (Boy 9, Girl 6), any way, before I got marriage, I have also dated a few non Asian women (Canadian, German, American), from my personal experience, I do think inter racial do actually spice thing up. Living in Europe now, I also glad that the racial mix is myself being Asia, and wife being European, because for European to have a Asian Wife, there is still a touch of that when a European men are not able to find a European wife, and he could buy his way with a Asian Wife, particular with Asian women from Thailand or Philippine, unfortunately, many European can’t tell the different between Chinese and Thai or Philippine, so some Chinese Women also face the same prejudice
[..YouTube..] I totally approached my boyfriend… He’s so sexyyy 🙂
He’s Chinese and I’m white…he was too shy so I just took that step because I couldn’t resist! He was so cute. We are still dating and its quite serious. I don’t think its about balls but about respect. Asian men tend to be more respectful than white guys, IMO.
[..YouTube..] i kill anybody who cut me off
[..YouTube..] @Shizznickel i agree, one justify opinions base on cultural inherence. i’m blessed to have more than one cultural influence and it expended my perspectives.
[..YouTube..] @tttfrenetic could you elaborate on the “next Roman Empire”? i don’t understand
[..YouTube..] @KhmerD0g i totally agree with your statement
[..YouTube..] in this day and age its not about the toughest guy anymore whose strong and big, its survival of the fittest and the fittest are the smartest ones with well paying jobs, thats why most asians live in middle class and up. you will hardly see asian or mexicans homeless on the street while you see whites and blacks. why? asians and mexicans are culturally different and value family. we got each other backs. iono man we r just differents its time to say w/e and like who u like dont make it big deal
[..YouTube..] this is helpful
[..YouTube..] wow u told it straight up & plus i’ll have the cajones to talk 2 u
[..YouTube..] What if an Asian man has too high of a self esteem. Guys shouldn’t have to chase after women anymore if guys stop being so desperate.
[..YouTube..] why do white women with the ugliest features bleach their hair? as if no one will ever get close enough to see theri face and see that it’s ugly? asian women look good forever, this white girl already has wrinkles in her forehead, damn
[..YouTube..] @hotboipnoi At this time and age.. no help is really needed. What people need to realize is that this westernization = modernization concept has already been used enough and is beginning to fade with the downhill economy of the US and the rising power of China. Asian guy/white girl couples are not as rare anymore, and the reason they were rare in the first place is because white people instilled this sort of “white=might” sense into them.. aka girls like this one encourage that notion. Annoying.
[..YouTube..] change the title! I like everything else but that
[..YouTube..] i thought females have bigger balls than males ?? :O lol
[..YouTube..] That is really helpful, thank you! I’m gonna approach some chick like you tomorrow.
[..YouTube..] Some interesting advise. But Asian brothers, don’t dispare if it is the forbidden fruit that you seek. White girls like the kinder, sensitive Yellow-love, but Women do like a real strong Man. So Grasshopper, you must be both Ying and Yang to taste the Vanilla you seek. Get your higher education, good job, fine Acura automobile, hit the gym, walk tall my Brothers, and the sweet white flower will open up for YOU. Personally, I have gone beyond the white and am working on the brown curry love.
[..YouTube..] nice… thank you for posting this message 🙂
[..YouTube..] nice… thank you for posting this message to asian guys 🙂
[..YouTube..] they’re not really that interesting.. i mean white girlzz
[..YouTube..] Is it really as easy as walking up with a smile and asking for a dance? I suppose if a guys looks pretty good, it would work, but for an average man, of average build, I dunno, maybe I’m just crazy in thinking this, but he’d probably emanate the wrong aura.
[..YouTube..] I’d approach her, but her chin is in the way.
[..YouTube..] My Asian brothers, it’s clearly that our Samurai spirit is severely underestimated. I personally don’t give a crap which race I date, but this is the matter of pride. Let’s all go for girls of other races. They think white and black men are more manly than us Asian, in the freaking hell that could be true, show them what we got my brothers. Show them what a bloody real man look like.
[..YouTube..] I’m a chick, I’m from a lot of different backgrounds but i look white~ & i have no problems with Asians! STOP MAKING ASIANS THE TITLE OF YOUR VIDEOS- it makes you look racist!- use some other race for crying out loud! As for confidence- can’t a guy be nervous?!
[..YouTube..] @aclock2 not every chick thinks like this, dont worry about your ‘samurai spirit’. some people shouldnt have webcams…
[..YouTube..] why you generalize on all asian men…come to an asian country and you’ll learn we are gentlemen
[..YouTube..] She is average. Well most women will not approach men. As an Asian guy, I never expect any women to approach me. I do expect them to show some hint. Otherwise, I’ll just be merry on doing my thang.
[..YouTube..] hi im an asian guy and i really do like white women but the thing is where i live at they arent many if hardly any really do wish i had live in the U.S a little bit longer(or at least until i reach college so that i could ask a white girl out) . In fact i have no problems approaching a girl (if she’s alone that is i have yet to conquer the fear of how to approach a group of them together) i believe im a catch to any girl and that i have all the necessary quality to be a good bf.
[..YouTube..] LMAO at this girl. Typical girl. The guy ALWAYS has to come up and do all the work. Girls want you to buy them a drink, help them out, plan the dates, buy the food, everything. “The guy has to have some balls and come up to me.” Right…
Girls are just scared to go up to a guy, thats why they NEVER do it. They sit back and wait, like ALWAYS. Its pathetic.
[..YouTube..] I’m an Asian girl and it pisses me off when I see a cute Asian guy with a white girl. What a waste! Asian women are 10x better than white women. Asian guys don’t buy into this interracial bull shit. Stick to Asian girls.
[..YouTube..] There are no rules. That is the only rule. We should really give up fostering these ridiculous, essentially racist ideas. Sure there are cultural trends, but they’re not fixed or constant. They change all the time and there are always exceptions.
[..YouTube..] ur hottttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
[..YouTube..] i asian gurl and i tick off. cuz i dont wanna hear this crap any more…yea like u noe about asian.no u dont u r not asian u dont noe how they r. if u have asina friend then don’t talk about them like tht dont post tht up plz take it off.i only like if u sya something nice.no bad talking about us asian. we asian do have talent like u ppl around the world.it really hurts us asian how some white ppl tease and treat us .GOD made us,us and made us to get alongt not to fight. we all have a life..
[..YouTube..] White women are bitches. Asian women are good that’s why a lot of white men want to date them. White women age really quickly by the time they are 40, they look like 50 or older. Just look at this ugly bitch, she has wrinkles on her forehead, and she is like in her late 20s.
[..YouTube..] @LannaWalsh “I’m an Asian girl and it pisses me off when I see a cute Asian guy with a white girl. What a waste! Asian women are 10x better than white women. Asian guys don’t buy into this interracial bull shit. Stick to Asian girls.” Bitter much? People are the same, if you weren’t a racist crap bag, you’d know that. If you can’t get an Asian dude to date you, chances are you can’t get a man from any “race”, think about it, change your attitude.
[..YouTube..] @Grabbin2nd “They sit back and wait, like ALWAYS. Its pathetic.” When the male sex has had to contend with 100,000 years of cultural programming, where any women who shows any interest in sex is named a whore, and even executed for even speaking to men, then you can talk, but until then, grow some balls and do your job in the dating game. You dicks constructed these rules, and instilled this attitude in us, now deal with it.
[..YouTube..] Don’t worry most of us don’t hate you, even if we are disadvantageous. We know you are just trying 2 help people by some points of reasonable advice in a society that we have endured 4 so long 2 struggle 2 compete. But remember one thing, we as Asians will always be politically incorrect when in contrast 2 ur kind. Though it’s fashion which lags behind diversity. Respect other people like I respect others because it will bounce back somewhat/kind of misbehaviours due time immemorial.
[..YouTube..] its sounds like you want an asian guy real bad but you cant get one. im asian and i have a white gf andyou always go talk about the penis size and that isnt the problem you just look like you give a bad vibe off thats why asain guys dont approach you
[..YouTube..] @AsianManWhiteWoman….hahaha…Oh ur very sensitive about ur emotions. It’s actually silly though especially in a market or grocery store. HA HA HA…ur kind of cute though, and have preferable reasons. In advance 2 you, some of them are jerks though. I’m warning of you about that, but they’re quite few. Try going 2 a quality Asian restaurants, or the Cinemas, or CAfe. One thing I can say is that we are scientifically the same but biologically quite different.
[..YouTube..] @123456fat yeah ur right….LOL
[..YouTube..] Uhhh…Asian girls are better anyways? White girls are the easiest girls to get anyways
[..YouTube..] u are hot !!! but man i am only 5’8
[..YouTube..] @dbzkid161
Sorry but it’s hard to take a weeaboo (like you) seriously.
[..YouTube..] guys, remember, only approach her from the side. please follow directions
[..YouTube..] this girl must think she’s something special.
[..YouTube..] hahaha.. ur so cute…. you do not know really know the reason why Asian men do not date white like you(not all white))?? coz thr ar realy lotssssss of reason… but im just saying reason No#1…In Survey 85% white women is unfaithful to ther husband or parners No#2 un survey 75% white women cheats or do infidelity.. No#3 white women picks guys that they look hot and sexy to them and in its means she loves him the way he look like… Thats why even white men go to asian country 2 find thr future
[..YouTube..] “Learn this and learn this well guys, it is NOT the woman’s job to approach men. It is not. It is YOUR job to be a MAN and go up and talk to HER.” I’m calling bullshit. There are NO predetermined rules to human interactions, only cultural expectations that people need to rise above. The moment a girl starts making assumptions too quickly about how things should be, is when I realize she is high-maintenance & thinks she’s more of a catch than she is. A relationship is two-way. LEARN THIS WELL.
[..YouTube..] it’s so hard to make eye contact… when they stare at me, i look down… i’ve been known to be awkward so i don’t know if they are smiling at how i present myself or if they are actually attracted to me…
[..YouTube..] spread your legs, and they’ll approach you
[..YouTube..] I must have more confidence than she does. I don’t “need” someone to approach me. I can approach them
[..YouTube..] i’d approach you… but i’d have a hell of a hard time keeping a straight face while your talking with that lisp.
[..YouTube..] why should there be a word ‘white’ and ‘asian’ in her title?she’s very confusing,there seems to be problem there,she should address only this to white men,it’s been asian and asian on her title,she expect as to commit suicide?
[..YouTube..] Of course women aren’t going to approach you chinks. That goes for any race hahahhaha this channel even has a dating coach? yo i learn how to sweep a girl off her feet on my own and i was 16. Stop flooding the net you pathetic fucking chinks. AND PUT YOURSELVES OUT THERE. SERIOUSLY THIS IS GETTING ANNOYING. YOU WANT SOME HELP?? GROW SOME BALLS AND SAY WHATS ON YOUR MIND HOMIE DON’T YOU SEE THE INTERNET IS SUCKING THE LIFE OUT OF YOU????
[..YouTube..] @LannaWalsh explain to me why you’re not an idiot
[..YouTube..] REMEMBER NOT TO APPROACH HER FROM THEE BACK becuase you will leave the impression of a “‘creepy stalkyish crazy guy”
I approached my Asian man. It’s been the most amazing experience of my life. We’ve been together a long time and I feel like they happiest person on Earth. He’s a wonderful person and I’m glad I approached him. I have confidence in myself and I don’t necessarily need a man to make me feel special by talking first. Well, now I’m happy, about to me married, loving life and I will never regret talking to him first. To think all of this could have passed me by.
[..YouTube..] @StarTrackTrooper im just concern with her ignorance,much as im concerned with your stupidness,in the first place why she brought up the issue,secondly no chinks had brought that issue here,she’s as desperate as you trying to get notice by asian chicks,i just wish you could visit my channel and see if i’ve got a lot of white girls their,except of course for Emma Watson and Taylor Swift whom i believe not racist and dumb as you.
[..YouTube..] i’ve seen this type of videos of hers several times…is she getting horny or what
[..YouTube..] “you may look kinda like an asshole”
[..YouTube..] @StarTrackTrooper
dropping c bombs aint cool dumb dumb ima drop you in the slump while my blood vessels pump
[..YouTube..] @StarTrackTrooper seems like you don’t get the message, she’s more likely interested in asian men than You whatever you are, all she can talk about is asian men…LOL..seems like someone is just mad..U mad?? yes u are…
do you have a facebook ?
[..YouTube..] @StarTrackTrooper “yo i learn how to sweep a girl off her feet on my own and i was 16” <---i seriously doubt that. Because if that were true you'd probly be a happy person and wouldn't type the words "asian white guy girl" into youtube in order to search for videos like this to specifically troll them. You're probly just some fucking loser who masturbates on the internet all day watching MMA videos and after you skeet on your keyboard u just troll. I see your agenda buddy.
[..YouTube..] So its ok for white women to approach black men, But its not ok to approach asian men !!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry that contradiction turns me off
[..YouTube..] And why do you think , asian guys think this way !!!!!!
who told you asian men like white women ??
all your assumptions are wrong
[..YouTube..] this girl must not go to the clubs.a man just can’t cut in on a stranger while he’s dancing with a woman.a man that does that show no respect and that’s how fights start. example: if i cut in on her and the man she’s dancing with,he probablly would get pissed especially if he was trying to get his MACK ON. that means i would have fucked his game up.
and how would i know if she was with him or not…you have a pack house full of people with the lights already deem.
[..YouTube..] bitch ain’t stupid, she ignorant!
[..YouTube..] most american women regardless of race do not like it when men approach them… when we do, we get names called like “perv”, “creep” and “loser”… try getting yourself women in abroad. there are more hotter and appreciative European, Latin American, Asian and African women that are much more better than women in the states.
[..YouTube..] @ljsmixbox44 agreed.
[..YouTube..] hahah women in America… so typical. they want everything from men and expect men to do everything for them and expect us to read their fucking mind. High maintenance bitches and a lot of them here in the states.
[..YouTube..] @xtremixt1
yeah she slip big time on this video.it’s bad enough the dudes in the club be wasted and trying to hustle every woman.lol but i can’t hate because i be scoping out the chicks my own self.(i just don’t be drunk)lol but that cut in shit is not gonna work.BAD ADVICE all the clubs i’ve been to,i’ve NEVER cut between two people while they were dancing.her vido is base on,she want a man attention in or out the the club. if a woman see a man approaching her,her mind is already made up.
[..YouTube..] @StarTrackTrooper
you’re a faggot. oh and i am blaxk.
[..YouTube..] @dbzkid161
>White girls
>easiest girls
uhhhh no. and i am black.
[..YouTube..] damn i was approached by a blonde,,,
[..YouTube..] my iq just dropped while watching this video..
[..YouTube..] @Warsie What does black have to do with anything? Lame fucks like you come in every ethnicity. Ignorant no ball having faggots like you who come online and watch these vids to feel good. yo the chinks who pulled these bitches got out their and said something. You know the truth hurts and it’s going to stay that way, aiight??
[..YouTube..] @12815923 HAHAHAHA
[..YouTube..] @aclock2 Why? Asian culture is based on honour and respect. We’re not trailer trash. I don’t need to “walk up” and beat a girl over the head and drag her away in the sand ^^
[..YouTube..] @aclock2 lol i think you might jumping the gun there since there are many who perfer the ways asian men act minus the fact that some seem unapproachable or disinterested asian guys appear to be careful and not as rash as white or black men. I can say personally I have been hit on by man of both white and black men but with asian men the number is far far less.
[..YouTube..] @StarTrackTrooper
so you cant call me a ‘chink’ you fucking faggot. IF Im a lame fuck what the fuck are you doing commenting on these vids mr internet tough guy, shouldn’t you hittin up the clubs looking for girls DTF? HAHAHA. My relationshit status has nothing with this anyway – Im just kicking you in the teeth for your ‘lol social’ BS.
[..YouTube..] @Merijonna You have point here. The matter is I think some Asians is too passive, even in front of women they really like, they act like virgins ( Well, there are high possibility that they are virgin ). Of course I do not want Asian people to hit on any hot girls on the first sight to ask for a one night stand like most white or black guys, but there is nothing wrong at go talking to a girl who you are interested in to know more about her. That’s, many guys in my race would not do.
[..YouTube..] @aclock2 I like that asians have restraint to not turn around and try jumping into my pants but at the same time I’d like to know that they are interested in me lol at my old college it was full of asians but I never had the nerve to approach any of them because they all seemed uninterested and unapproachable and the one guy I had talked to I ended up walking away embaressed lol although we know they are probably friendly many seem to have this do not come near me feeling about them
[..YouTube..] @Merijonna I think many of the guys who acted shy toward you are actually kinda like you (It also depend on how you look and the way you approach them). And trust me, they want to be your friend as much as you want.But it will take time if you want to build up a relationship, most of them will not show any sign of interest at the first time you meet, but if they seem not dislike you, you should try taking to them several times more and it will work out well as they slowly feel your charm.
[..YouTube..] @aclock2 thanks 4 the insight I’ll try that
[..YouTube..] My Asian brothers. Don’t listen to WESTERN media who pushes interracial relationships and teach you to hate yourself. The standard of beauty they set is “caucasian” standards. That’s everywhere you see on TV, magazines and movies. The truth is, Asian’s age the best, have better skin, unique sexy asian eyes and healthy smooth shiny hair. Add to that is our superior intelligence. Please don’t mix your blood with other races. I’m not racist but it’s the truth.
[..YouTube..] i’m an asian-canadian male and i don’t have a problem approaching white women. i have a problem with conceited bitches like you
[..YouTube..] @Warsie Stupid lil nigger geek your pathetic i’m actually trying to help you lame fucks. fuck it thought watch anime and stay home all your life. peace.
[..YouTube..] I kinda had respect to this chick… Although the title of the bid kinda made me lose that respect…
I see so many white girls approaching white guys, but them approaching us Asian dudes?
Sigh -.-
[..YouTube..] By bid I meant vid*
[..YouTube..] shut up, shut up, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!!!!!!
[..YouTube..] now all the ugliest men/ boys are going to approach you.haha!
[..YouTube..] I definately don’t have the balls to approach you..I’m scared of the joker ever since jack nicholson.
[..YouTube..] Ok approach girl from side or front not behind because it’s creepy. Good point! I understand how white girls tend to not approach asian guys mainly because of the unknown. I mean if I was white I also would be cautious because I wouldn’t know if he or she even spoke English and that could be a huge turn off for some. Rule is just to try and act normal and try to express yourself otherwise they would just assume you are an immigrant who doesn’t speak English well or know the culture well.
[..YouTube..] ok so basically you tryna make a vid, telling guys how to make a move on u? wtf? desperateeee why don’t u just do a dating show?
[..YouTube..] @StarTrackTrooper
I wonder why I’ve had several girlfriend in the past. Dumb cracker piece of shit. Go back to /b/ you dumbfuck
[..YouTube..] @StarTrackTrooper
I dont know how the fuck you help people by trolling them on a forum. Alsao thanks, I’ll go back to watching anime and touhou its better than the MMA faggortry you watch.
[..YouTube..] @12815923 HAHAHA
[..YouTube..] @Warsie It’s called tough love haha get your geeky ass out there and give a bitch a hug lil nigga haha and yo i probably watch more anime than you!! doesn’t mean i have to be some lame fuck hahahaa
[..YouTube..] Shittt ill date you. I’m the bombest Asian out there.
[..YouTube..] come to Houston, i’ll approach you 😛
[..YouTube..] This is why i kinda gave up on white girls..some many little things that they require….and im not asian..latino
[..YouTube..] Asian men will approach white people, not white bitches like you
[..YouTube..] what makes this bitch think anyone would want to approach her lolol
[..YouTube..] @StarTrackTrooper
Tough Love is an oxymoron.
also remember this post I made earlier
>wonder why I’ve had several girlfriend in the past
[..YouTube..] @AsianManWhiteWoman Stupid dumb girl, i’m a white girl too and I want an asian guy !!! so what you say is WRONG!!! not all white girls are like you !! stop saying shit!
[..YouTube..] @Warsie Good for you keep getting at them
[..YouTube..] such a waste of time, who cares
[..YouTube..] OMG! it talks!
[..YouTube..] Don’t listen to her who was hired/paid to spill BS and bad advices to Asian men. She said so herself in another video — she has *never* date an Asian man before. She is just selling her site and columns. I know she’s wrong because I’m an Asian guy, and I’ve been approached by women.
If you want good advices instead of BS, look for rkchen’s “How to get a hot white chick”. He is an Asian guy who is actually married to a hot white chick. You can check out his wife and cute kids on YouTube.
[..YouTube..] she is not really beautiful -.-
[..YouTube..] She looks like my grandma …
[..YouTube..] @aclock2 I never heard of Chinese samurais?
[..YouTube..] Women approach men? That’s news to me.
[..YouTube..] “So stop wishing for it”
Yeah right, I totally wish you’d approach me.
[..YouTube..] Um….who’s wishing for it in the first place?
[..YouTube..] @techsupportguy101 Just a reference. All Samurai follow the teaching of Bushido, and Bushido is greatly inspired from China Buddhism
[..YouTube..] @12815923 lmao she got that urijah faber butt chin.
[..YouTube..] “Confident Booster”?… “CONFIDENT BOOSTER”?????!!!!!!… Where?
I think the most guys already gave up by just reading the title of the video. And what’s with the “Don’t come from behind”? In what kind of 3D world do people only come from behind or in front?. Tell me
[..YouTube..] Stares at that big ass 3D crimson chin of hers looks like it almost punched the camera
[..YouTube..] What the hell is this shit. It sounds like she wants to date aisan guys guys but is being hard to get about it, hence titles like ‘white women will not approach asian men(so stop wishing for it’) and ‘why white women will never date asian men”. Here’s a tip.You can put all this into a few simple words. Try something like this, “Sure I’ll date an asian guy, give me a holler and we’ll see if there’s chemistry.”
[..YouTube..] lisp much?
[..YouTube..] lol, wtf is this. Usually blonde only loves the big D+++ nothing else.
[..YouTube..] LOLOL 69 DISLIKES!!! ( i just had to point this out)
[..YouTube..] WTF? She makes it seem like she’s making videos about dating asian men, but she’s really just making conceited videos about dating HER.
We don’t want to date you! Take your shit to craigslist!
[..YouTube..] y would any1 call “approaching women” a job?
[..YouTube..] I’m a white dude, I’m 19, and as much as I hate to admit it, I’m starting to find black girls much more attractive than my own. Pathetic, conceited, narrow-minded bitches like yourself couldn’t hold a candle to the likes of Beyonce, Keri Hilson, Alexandra Burke or any other extremely attractive black woman of that calibre. Enjoy living in your little box, you pathetic, ugly cow. And lol @ thinking anyone would want to date you anyways.
[..YouTube..] why are you guys being mean to her? I don’t understand…and i’m a black chick…she’s just saying what she wants.
[..YouTube..] wth if this is just about her, don’t title it and generalize that white woman won’t approach asian men
[..YouTube..] why is everyone so mad at her…. she said to approach her its fine, so many women are like that, they like to be approached but probably wont do it themselves… she gave pretty good advice too… just be confident in yourself (not cocky) and not to feel silly
[..YouTube..] this bitch is dumb as Fuck
[..YouTube..] fuckin’ stupid…
[..YouTube..] @HanQ I know right? Who does she think she is…?? lol
[..YouTube..] she is the politest bitch ive ever seen
[..YouTube..] who the fuck cares about you? god…. who the fuck are you anyway. nobody wants to approach you girl. yeah thats probably true cuz thats why you made this video telling men to approach you.
shallow bitch.
[..YouTube..] @HanQ
Nah man In would totally date rape her.
[..YouTube..] Bitch
[..YouTube..] why are people getting mad over her giving advice? dumb people…
[..YouTube..] interesting that the channel is “asianmanwhitewoman”
[..YouTube..] she is blonde , what do u nt get it?
[..YouTube..] ohhhh….chingchonglinglongtingtong!!
[..YouTube..] shes def related to that ucla girl
[..YouTube..] im confused, so is she attracted to asian men enough that she will fuck them if one with the right traits and attitude approaches her?
[..YouTube..] @HanQ she’s just being real dumbass
[..YouTube..] I’m not really understanding why you guys are calling her a bitch and conceited, nothing in this video portrayed her as one. It seems to me all she was saying was be confident and not all women are unapproachable. And because the asian-canadian threw it out there, so will I, I’m asian-american haha
[..YouTube..] She’s not conceited at all. She’s just giving us tips.
[..YouTube..] bla bla bla bla bla bla suck my dick. problem solved
[..YouTube..] Lol these guys who have high rated comments are jackasses lol. How is she conceited at all….? Guys ask what a girl wants she’s letting you know, so stfu and maybe try some of her tips lol
[..YouTube..] you know what dont we all have equal rights? why do guys have to come to you? cant you approach them too? whats with this balls thing equality dummy!!
[..YouTube..] u must be a crack head ur obviously a girly girl me always approaching girls is boring
she maybe fake or you don’t like what she says but honestly, my experience is that white women are completely oblivious if not plain indifferent to asian men which is bad. At least this white girl seems to care somewhat about the issue otherwise she wouldn’t be posting this video so at least that’s refreshing…
As long as they don’t look down on us I don’t care…
[..YouTube..] wow wtf asian guys r the best no more no less so dont change <3 u
[..YouTube..] this boost my confidence LOL but when im drunk, white girls are easy to talk to ahaha
[..YouTube..] @HanQ
She’s blonde, forgive her hair color.
[..YouTube..] @Stoiber11 Well I do think it’s a bit harsh how they are commenting, but it’s somewhat true. If it was a white guy, there would be not much of a problem. Why not just NOT look at race? Most of us are Americanized Asians 🙂
[..YouTube..] WOW…
[..YouTube..] all i saw was her big jaw moving.
[..YouTube..] i know who you are,.. youre like a buffet open 24/7 to eat everyday,.. aka busyvagi
[..YouTube..] stfu yuh look like a damn horse
[..YouTube..] LMFAO alot of my previous gf’s approached me- and im South Korean… at the same time i approached alot of my gf’s as well.
[..YouTube..] wow……… ur asking for to much… -.- im asian… and i porbably just offer u some tips… to like… stop BEING CONCEITED<---- it'd be a cute idea 🙂
[..YouTube..] White females are afraid of the social stigma associated with dating an Asian male.
1) Asian guys like females that look feminine. Kate has masculine features about her face. Ex: large nose, lack of cupids bow on the lips, enormous chin!
2) Ask to carry your groceries? Who does that !?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[..YouTube..] Ha Ha
[..YouTube..] Amen girl!
[..YouTube..] help you with your groceries??! lol who does she think she is?
[..YouTube..] I like your marketing idea… very interesting… I hope you sell lots of your magazine. LOL
Chuck Lee
[..YouTube..] I’m Asian. I can get you. 🙂 but you seem kinda over confident in yourself.
[..YouTube..] I would not approach you because I only fuck whores in Vegas.
[..YouTube..] i don’t get it she didn’t talk about asian men or white women at all she was just talking about whether the man should approach the woman or the woman the man. this is mistitled.
[..YouTube..] hey kate,can you say SSSSSSSSS????? pls RESHPON!!!! haha..
[..YouTube..] cocky little chin……
[..YouTube..] she have a biggggggg mouth…just like pig
[..YouTube..] i think shes just mad cause no asian guys find her attracted
[..YouTube..] Me, personally, I think you’re really not ALL THAT.
[..YouTube..] ehhhhh no sorry you’re not I like bitch
[..YouTube..] shes so fukn uglyyy LOLLLL
[..YouTube..] deformed face, HUGE nose
[..YouTube..] Seriously, the kind of hater-commends on this video are sad. She’s a good-looking girl with some serious points to make, can’t you treat her with some respect?
[..YouTube..] What on the earth made u think everyone wants to approach u???
[..YouTube..] Oh god. No wonder they don’t approach you. I “personally’ wouldn’t either. I prefer woman with more intellect.
[..YouTube..] @jellytubess Stop hatin dude. Your dumb and ignorant comments only point out how stupid and insecure you are
[..YouTube..] mmm…you should really stop reading from a script
[..YouTube..] Oh My Gosh! You sound so insecure this is the second video that came up from you and has the same freaking title. Sounds like to me you want a Asian guy to approach you that’s why you keep posting these stupid videos. Maybe you should realize they don’t LIKE YOU!!!!!!!!
[..YouTube..] Asian Males, they are the most discriminated group in the United States. Almost two times more Asian Males have bachelor or higher education than white males. In every standard test (SAT, GRE, LSAT) beat white males with great gaps. Nevertheless, their chance to have a good career or enter into top notch universities are much slimmer than white males.
[..YouTube..] I like being approached ….. wtf… who do you think you are… princess? how old are you…. bitch
[..YouTube..] Girrrl, you just wish an asian would just approach you huh?
[..YouTube..] How old is this girl…..
[..YouTube..] Okayy aha so who the fukk yuuh think yuuh are for guys to approach yuuh !!??
No wonder yuu need to make these videos hahaha…bitchh.
[..YouTube..] Wtf!!? seriously yuuh are a desperate bitch !
[..YouTube..] oh shut up u fucks. she’s just trying to help all you pussies out there
[..YouTube..] typical white girl. your not all that sweety.
this is why white guys are getting average looking asian girls.
and over compensating by talking down to Asian guys.
Because the quality white chicks are leaving for color- and yes even Asian men get white girls.
This has got to be more painful than when a white guy sees a black man with a white girl.
all races have quality and throw away chicks.
[..YouTube..] Where r u ? I would love to see you.
[..YouTube..] Honestly , I feel pretty bad for her . She seems desperate , huh ? What I don’t understand , though , is that , does she really think that absolutely NO asian man is going to approach/go out with a white woman ? Hmm o.O
[..YouTube..] Bitch, you sound so desperate!! if u’re confident, u wont havta post videos about giving guys ideas abt how to approach towards u!! if a guy is feeling you, he will do it his way to impress you!! he wont need your ideas!! u’re just another dumb blonde! 🙂
[..YouTube..] wha.? is this a Commercials of a Shampoo. lol’ Asians can only Do if they See you First is to Greet You nicely or Some may or may Not see you , and they just pass by. Don’t worry about We Asians most are like Americans and are City Boys. and We are Mostly taught by Schools and Our Conservative Families taught us good. Never bother People if People Doesn’t want to get Along in the Society. But it doesnt means were not Sociable. and if We sense that Someone acts weird, We stay Away from them.
[..YouTube..] A hot white woman approached me. I normally date only Asian girls but to be honest with you. she is the best girl i’ve ever met! I quit being so close minded now. I recommend for all you Asian guys out there. Body language talk, so if you show negativity, it’s gonna radiate to other woman.
[..YouTube..] only if i had a gf like this… my life would be fuking set…
[..YouTube..] ur such a slut your so sexy
[..YouTube..] why are you guys saying crap about this video o.o
[..YouTube..] This kinda sounds desperate.. At the ending: Please approach me and the other stuff :T
[..YouTube..] Nice I’m Asian and I too have tasted the rainbow!! Love is truly colorblind lol. I love white/Latin/blacks/Alaskan women!!
[..YouTube..] lol,wrong video name to start wid!!change it or else u’ll keep gettin hate msgs frm others.
[..YouTube..] ur hot -_-
[..YouTube..] lol this girl’s a dick.
“you could approach me when I’m dancing with another guy and cut in”
how would the other guy feel?
[..YouTube..] NORTHERN CALIFORNIA its so many of us here and so normal to see an ASIAN guy with other race.
[..YouTube..] you dumb blonde bimbo who the hell do you think you are? the most desirable woman on earth? and why the fuck is the title completely different from the topic of your motherfucking video? i’m so angry at you i could just hunt you down and chop your damn head off with an axe.
[..YouTube..] WTF did I just watch..no wait how the fuck did I get here!?
[..YouTube..] Is this about about asians or about her… like really… was it worth making.. this vid
[..YouTube..] Point blank, Asian guys do you find her attractive?
[..YouTube..] I’m asian and I bang white chicks all the time. There is no mystery to it fellas.. It’s called your mouth and your brain…use them.
[..YouTube..] Why? Why is this title so misleading?
[..YouTube..] Asain guys won’t approach you so stop wishing for it lol
[..YouTube..] Bitch nobody is going to carry your grocery’s!
[..YouTube..] Man, you guys are brutal. Lol. I’d still bang her six ways to Sunday.
[..YouTube..] how much do you earn from AMWW by making this vid?
[..YouTube..] @yogithecamel exactly bro. Some pathetic asians here disgracing the whole pool, as long as you’re decent looking and have decent confidence, all you need to do is smile and make them laugh and they like you. Something which basement dwellers will never grasp by crying over youtube.
[..YouTube..] @keith11689 LOL insecure about what? what is there to be insecure about?
[..YouTube..] ummm, ur acting ad if ur the most attractive and desireavle women eveeer. how do you kno guys find you attrractive? Who said they do? WTF I could say soo much more but I won’t waste my time on you
[..YouTube..] You got age lines on your forehead and a manly jaw, with a cleft chin to boot! Asian guys usually like… feminine looking women.
[..YouTube..] Hey! I”m Asian Vietnamese to be exactly and i love you girl. I have seen a lot of Vietnamese guys dating or even marry white woman and vice versa. Love don’t discriminate i have to admit most Asian guys are shy and would not approach first all u have to do is give them a hint that you like him by looking at him and smile or say hi then he know u like him.
[..YouTube..] @vpclove: That’s not true…it’s a little harsh to be honest…..
[..YouTube..] @0092Anon: Harsh dude….shut the fuck up…..please….
[..YouTube..] @Lidia1805: A little harsh….don’t be a bitch now….
[..YouTube..] @winkywey: shut up…seriously….
[..YouTube..] @DrArtist08: that’s what i was sayin to all the haters….
[..YouTube..] @MegaWattatempura: She is not doing anything wrong….leave her alone….
[..YouTube..] @WHITEAZN123 yeah, stop wishing for that, ppl wont approach you, if they saw this video
[..YouTube..] @pandaboy224 I get that.
[..YouTube..] WTF is up with your Channel name? Is that all you ever make videos on? Why the fuck does it matter what race you are, seriously? Stereotypes…
[..YouTube..] @vpclove This should be called “How to approach ME! AND PLEASE DO”
Video Description: I’ll be updating this every day so you know exactly where I am, please find me and approach me…Not from behind that’s kinda creepy…No, actually from the behind will be fine as long as you approach me.
[..YouTube..] @mthao694 which is never gona be possible, bcuz she’s ugly looking
[..YouTube..] @WHITEAZN123 hey apparently im not the only one..who thinks the same.. this is pretty stupid i think she’s waisting her time & should have MORE SELF-CONFIDENCE! enough said.
[..YouTube..] @somebutthead Lol.
[..YouTube..] I’m asian and a white girl approached me before.
[..YouTube..] @vpclove
Really? She doesn’t insecure to me…..a bit looking for attention, but that applies for all youtube vid uploaders!
Oh, and I’m Asian, and I reckon she’s a pretty girl. Though as a person we’ll have to meet in real life I guess….
[..YouTube..] here’s my approach..let me pop a round in your butthole…
[..YouTube..] I thought this girl doesn’t like Asian men.
[..YouTube..] Hang on, did she just say that men should approach her whilst she’s with another guy on the dancefloor? I’m guessing this girl wants to see a fight!
[..YouTube..] asian men like white girls for their big titties
[..YouTube..] “it is NOT the woman’s job to approach men. It is not. It is YOUR job to be a MAN and go up and talk to HER. Not the other way around.”
That’s sexist!
[..YouTube..] @needles1987 It’s not sexist, that how women are PROGRAMMED. That’s why we have balls, not they.
[..YouTube..] hahah typical woman “Just make sure he doesn’t LOOK like my boyfriend.”
If you’re just dancing with a random dude after a few drinks etc, how the eff you ‘sposed to tell that? I hope an Asian guy DOES come up to you and smacks you.
[..YouTube..] @jorgen1990 That’s not what being a man is about. Sometimes, a man just can’t recognize signals. I’m one of them.
[..YouTube..] Wait wait all this that your saying is toward the Asian Men.(the dancing part or the approach to you)…. Or the A.M.W.W. is for Asian Men.
Thank you.
[..YouTube..] Bah ah ha i went up to someone confidently and I got rejected CONFIDENTLY in front of many people lol . Nice advice
[..YouTube..] I’ll approach you, you such a nice looking girl you’re a nice girl to. But you’re pretty to. I’d rather speak to you face to face you know.
[..YouTube..] Are you that you are not going to file a sexual harassment lawsuit when I approaching you? Lolz
[..YouTube..] You sound so single and desperate asking for a hookup. Goto a dating website and post that info. Im sure you will find people.
[..YouTube..] bahahhahahahahahah, Im an asian guy, and my girlfriend now for 3 years is a french/italian girl. I love her with all my heart, people like you wont ever get a boyfriend, black nor white.
[..YouTube..] Wow. What a dumb bimbo. She enforces both gender and racial stereotypes that should not at all be relevant in our day and age. It makes me sick that there are so many girls like this.
[..YouTube..] LOOOL I really think you like asian men.. just cos they don’t like you don’t be depressed! ^-^ k? 😐 so stupid..
(im a white girl)
[..YouTube..] dear sweetheart.your video is all wrong. you should stop talking in the way you do. it is not cute and a girl should never say the word balls. don’t do that again.read etiquette book to learn. it is 2011 so i think it’s time that western girls approach men that they like and not wait for him to approach her.i know it’s normal in the west because it has been like that for 100’s of years but it’s time that changes. in asia a girl will approtch a man if she likes him. you girls need to do that too
[..YouTube..] by the way, i love white/ caucasian girls. i will approach a cute white girl if i like her but sometimes if i see a cute white girl that doesn’t seem interested in me but she actualy is interested in me than it would be nice if she approach me.
[..YouTube..] Stick with your own race – less complications. I’d rather be with an asian girl because theyre nicer in fact. white girls are kinda mean. Well probably the most meaniest from experience.
[..YouTube..] Stick with your own race – less complications. I’d rather be with an asian girl because theyre nicer.
[..YouTube..] @Firerasier
i was just on your youtube account and you are NOT asian. ” Stick with your own race I’d rather be with an asian girl ” you say but you pretend you are asian guy that don’t like white girl. how pathetic. i read you don’t like asian men and you watch video with white women that you want. study asian countrys. asian women are not nicer and many of them are gold diggers.
[..YouTube..] @b09h TIITTAAAYYYYYSSSS!!!
[..YouTube..] @LeClassics It’s the club game/antics. If you have the balls to cut in that’s already a plus. She will assess you in about 3s and if she likes you she will face you, if she don’t, she can easily say that dude is her bf regardless of if he actually is or not. If you persist, that will also show you have confidence and the guy she was dancing with could also have turned out to be an asshole, so you might still have a chance!
[..YouTube..] wow…just wow.
[..YouTube..] Guys, guys, guys. What is with all the hate? It’s not revolutionary advice but the girl is being honest. There are so many personally offensive comments here for no reason. The amount of insecure people on the net!
[..YouTube..] Something special means and translates to ….. yep you guessed it. LOOKS, as in attraction, not personality.
[..YouTube..] I love that smiling and eye contact. I’ve heard of serial killers using the same approach and succeeding in their hunt. I think you sound a lot like a television station.
[..YouTube..] I’m an Asian guy and I don’t find her attractive at all. I think I speak for most Asian men in general. Stop watching so much Hollywood movies. Caucasian women are not the standard of beauty. Maybe in America you are, but go to Asia and you’ll be in the bottom of every mans dating pool.
[..YouTube..] Firerasier
i was just on your youtube account and you are NOT asian. ” Stick with your own race I’d rather be with an asian girl ” you say but you pretend you are asian guy that don’t like white girl. how pathetic. i read you don’t like asian men and you watch video with white women that you want.
[..YouTube..] so what type of asian guys do white women such as yourselves like anyway? Are you into the masculine tall Gao Yi Xiang/Takeshi Kaneshiro types?? Or the cute faced masculine Wu Chun/ Bi rain types?? What????
[..YouTube..] @thesix107 Maybe but it’s one of the riskiest “first encounters” out there – far better approaching a woman alone or in a group of girl friends than with another guy, surely!
[..YouTube..] It’s so obvious that you’d like some of the Asian guys you’re attracted to to approach you…
[..YouTube..] To my lady,
I will love to approach you, but the stink of your vagina and the unnatural look of your hair really prevent me from doing so.
[..YouTube..] @LeClassics haha maybe only just a woman alone. Cause groups of girl friends are just as bad. If they see you coming they will tell the girl your approaching before you even get there, cause normally you’ve been eyeing her. And then if there’s a communal no, they will all group or huddle together like the great wall, or if there’s only two of them they will say they’re together. But if they like you…game on! haha, club antics are funny to see.
[..YouTube..] This girl is awesome =)
[..YouTube..] Lol you seem a bit desperate in this vid, but i sure would approach you 😀
[..YouTube..] Okay im asian and i wouldnt want to approach you because i dont like girls that looks like a man in the face !
[..YouTube..] bitch who do u think u are haha
The key is to look HOT. If you’re not a HOT guy, there’s no point approaching ANY woman.
I disagree completely. Some of the ugliest dudes get the perfect 10’s. It’s confidence man. Learn to socialize and just be yourself. Hope these words help. Oh, and disregard that lame ass video.
[..YouTube..] she is blonde! so you already know lol
[..YouTube..] WHAT A BITCH!
[..YouTube..] Hey i’m an asian and I love white girls but girrrrl you think you all that sexy huh?
[..YouTube..] It’s hilarious that a fake blonde is trying to act all hot and sexy… lady, I’m asian and trust me, our men seriously won’t go for you…
[..YouTube..] she must have a black boyfriend if she lives in L.A.!
[..YouTube..] ehh, so those asian guys see something special about u?
ns tits
ns but
talk less and hate shopping?
you’re acting like this dam whole world is falling for u
This post is completely useless. Be honest. You really don’t know anything about this stuff, do you? Please change your target audience to women, because it is very clear that you do not know anything about men or their approach. In fact, please do not post anything about the subject at all. You will only confuse women with incorrect information and make it even harder for asian men to get dates outside of their race than it already is. Please Stop Posting. You are ruining the cause.
[..YouTube..] No she’s right in a way. Most asian men are not naturally great chatty classy ungeeky charismatic cheeky provocative even arrogant and arent able to pull out sexual tension from white women. Most except me.
[..YouTube..] troll
[..YouTube..] Fuck ,us Asian guys don’t go for stupid sluts like you. It usually depends on how hot a girl is and her nice attitude and such. Gawd bitch…
[..YouTube..] She’s giving out tips for Asian guys or any shy guys in general ! I don’t see anything wrong with that !!!
[..YouTube..] is it just me or her speech doesnt connect wif the title of the video.
[..YouTube..] why do all white carry a racist face?
[..YouTube..] lol you’re cocky. you’re not even hot.
[..YouTube..] White girl with the I-AM-THE-CENTER-OF-THE-UNIVERSE mentality! lol Good luck with guys!
[..YouTube..] News flash: not all guys think you’re hot.
Stop acting like you’re all that.
Ugh, I can’t stand girls like youu.
[..YouTube..] @jonson5678 Hey be nice!
[..YouTube..] I don’t like to be rude by cutting in while you are dancing with a guy! I may ask you to dance when you are done dancing with a guy!
[..YouTube..] tldr: Ting tong ling long ching chong
[..YouTube..] Travel around the world with a Asian women oneman4u.info
[..YouTube..] Love you sweety
[..YouTube..] @jonson5678: calm down with your comments or get off of youtube…you dont get women do you?
[..YouTube..] @carlssonbenz: same here dude….(asian american male)
[..YouTube..] @Akatsuki679: wow…i can tell you don’t get women…seriously…dont give asian men a bad name…
[..YouTube..] @AZ09astrophysicist: you’re an idiot….
[..YouTube..] I am not attracted to White women, so the reason why Asian men do not approach White women is not due to shyness at all. It is due to lack of interest. Sorry to say this, but when I was very young, I saw White girls the first time, and I thought they were a group of monsters! I had never seen such human beings. No offense, just the fact.
[..YouTube..] okay, you’re the ONLY white girl who can’t approach asian man, cuz you’re an idiot
[..YouTube..] All women are pretty.
But for I do not go for the “annoying voice typical blond”.
[..YouTube..] Trust me no one would want to approach you and im not even asian
[..YouTube..] Blonde girls
[..YouTube..] beauty is in the eye of the beholder drink more beer and you”ll be attracted to everybody
[..YouTube..] Ya right …lol. Asian men just like girls who like horse 🙂
[..YouTube..] 1 word……Die
[..YouTube..] Why do you ask others to approach u? as if you look better than others…. where does ur self-confidence come from? what makes u think ppl want to flirt with u? people might just be interested in u… you’re just an ordinary girl, nothing different to any Asian/African etc. girls…
[..YouTube..] lol, noone’s gonna approach you now biaaaatch
[..YouTube..] wtf? wat makes u think men want to approach u? lol bitch. ur not even that good looking.
[..YouTube..] white girls become male after 40+ e.g facial hair, wrinkles like the grand canyons.
and 50+ females have this distinctive body odor, smells like yeast and urine (forgot to changes their diaper).
sometimes develop early tea bags after giving birth.
do you want the best of 2 world? Euroasians.
[..YouTube..] when you may spit a white woman in her face????
when her mustache caught fire !!!!!!!!!!!!!
[..YouTube..] Bitch, I’d rather throw your ass out the store than “carry your groceries”
[..YouTube..] u don’t have to worry about that honey… u will never get a boy friend 🙂
[..YouTube..] im asian, and what makes you think that im wishing for a white girl to approach me? youve got some good fantasies there. i prefer asian girls, white girls are not attractive and just a waste of time.
[..YouTube..] where i come, white chickkss have no problem approaching me specifically the cute ones. (im asian)
[..YouTube..] wow if you got it all planned out why do you need someone else to approach you… bitch you got yo self. crazy ass lady got it all planned out how someone should approach her”creepers”
[..YouTube..] she sounds sooooooo white lmao like the cheerleader/preppy chick at your school
[..YouTube..] @MikeHawks11 LMAO that was a slap in her face
[..YouTube..] She is right. Women like to be approached. Society is set up so that guys initiates first because girls are usually more shy than boys.
[..YouTube..] whhooaaa u luk alot like heidi montag.
[..YouTube..] Such a good idea to announce something personal to the world through youtube.
[..YouTube..] how the fuck do you expect the average asian guy to approach when from birth, they’ve been emasculated both in life and the media. seeing there own women running of to white men in droves and seeing the stereotypes being played out again and again of them having small dicks, short and unattractive. and how white women do not like them……. you really have to walk a mile in there shoes to really get a feel of how fucked up there situation really is before criticizing
[..YouTube..] ahahaha you chinkies.
You are all ugly subhumans.
[..YouTube..] when you may spit a white woman in her face????
when her mustache caught fire !!!!!!!!!!!!!
[..YouTube..] white girls become male after 40+ e.g facial hair, wrinkles like the grand canyons.
and 50+ females have this distinctive body odor, smells like yeast and urine (forgot to changes their diaper).
sometimes develop early tea bags after giving birth.
do you want the best of 2 world? Euroasians.
[..YouTube..] lol eventually 2 guys are going to fight over for a girl that would of be funny, and if that happens plz tap that and post it
[..YouTube..] This whole video sounds rehearsed, monotone and fake. I don’t get the point of this video at all.
[..YouTube..] @jonson5678 white girls are more sluttier than chickens…xD
[..YouTube..] /watch?v=-zIe6XxaJvE&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL
[..YouTube..] Sluttier than chickens?… Wow… You’ve got to be either 12, or retarded..
[..YouTube..] When that chick said she was from LA…she lost her creditability…and anything she said would have zero meaning…
[..YouTube..] Asian guys don’t want you to approach them….
[..YouTube..] Eye contact? i’ve tried before but i have a lazy left eye and the girl gets mixed signals. lol.
[..YouTube..] eye contact ?? you must be out of your mind silly mare,
[..YouTube..] yer too cocky, what if no one likes you at all? You’re making yourself look retarded.
[..YouTube..] wow you look like a man LOL.. if you had short hair youd look just like a guy
[..YouTube..] ughh you fucking ugly
[..YouTube..] you dont need a man to come to you…you need a kick to the face
[..YouTube..] I think this women wants Asian bf..she keep making video about Asian men.
[..YouTube..] Not all women are pretty, I am sorry but it is completely true, and this girl is not pretty, she is an ugly stuck up girl… the most annoying kind (by the way don’t go saying, “you are only saying that because you Asian,” well, I am not…)
[..YouTube..] Fucking white garbage!!!
[..YouTube..] Oh shit, i can’t stand you blond fucks dieseased pale, but, i am happy enough that you stay the fuck with your own race.
[..YouTube..] White people are the abnormal looking creatures of this planet.
[..YouTube..] @jonson5678 Wow dude… got nothing better to say? I feel sorry for you that you have to judge someone elses appearance to make yourself feel more confident. That’s just pathetic.
[..YouTube..] Wow, this video does make you think different on how to approach women. I never have the nerve to walk up to a girl, but hearing these things from your own mouth… kind of gives me a different perspective on girls. (not that all girls are the same)
[..YouTube..] this girl should have TV show and solve people problems !! What if i dont like u and i think u ugly ever think of that maybe this is another reason i dont approach u! Or maybe i dont find u interesting or useful person how is that for an answer for u!
[..YouTube..] I think you’re interested in Asian men, that’s why you keep making these videos. If you really didn’t like Asian men, you wouldn’t even care about making videos about them.
[..YouTube..] maybe she has a bad experience with the wrong asian guy and she thought all asian guys would be the same. she is just silly.
[..YouTube..] wow, this is why youtube was invented, you just trained 35,576 people, how to pick you up.
[..YouTube..] she’s pretty ugly. but if i met her in a bar, i’d let her blow me in the men’s restroom. that’s about it…… she has an annoying as voice
[..YouTube..] Just out of curiosity, why should men have to approach any woman? Its not about confidence or self-esteem. Just because you think you are hot (which I have seen plenty better), doesnt mean a guy should have to approach you. The feeling should be either way. If you have an interest, make the approach. If you cant do that then it just shows You got nothing on the women who can. You are a fake and a loser who depends on men to make the choice for you. lol
[..YouTube..] She’ll be on some black dick soon
[..YouTube..] if i come up to u and say “can we have sex?” will that be ok?
[..YouTube..] what a poor girl..looking looks like a guy.. because of a person like you..We all in the world say that blonde girls are stupid and full shit of the brain.. don’t say anything anymore..smelly from your fuckin mouse..
[..YouTube..] what a poor girl..looking looks like a guy.. because of a person like you..We all in the world say that blonde girls are stupid and full shit of the brain.. don’t say anything anymore..smelly from your fuckin mouse..
[..YouTube..] ur hot. if i see u in the streets im asking u out
[..YouTube..] YOU are here to ruin the world that’s why you are here bitch!… ANY SUCECCESFUL, HANDSOME MAN WON’T BE INTERESTED IN YOU (IN A GOOD WAY) BECAUSE YOUR HORRIBLE WAY TO BE. you’re just plain racist hore from L.A tipical of course.
[..YouTube..] nia nia nia nia blia blia blia nia nia na na nun nun da da da …fuck annoying as fuck
[..YouTube..] In your other video you say asian guys have “prerequisites” when it comes to dating. I think its fair to say everyone has these. In this video, I lost track of how many “prerequisites” you have. No wonder why none approach you.
[..YouTube..] I’m Asian and I got a white chick… so Blondey GTFO
[..YouTube..] no offense but she sounds fake in this video. The title has nothing to do with what she talks in her video. no mention of asian guys at all in the video.
[..YouTube..] @jorgen1990 so true! LOL
[..YouTube..] u like to feel, i got it!!
[..YouTube..] she looks like a horse.
what she said in the video and her title has nothing to do with each other. the title says asians guys but she doesn’t talk about asian guys at all in her video. what da hell?
[..YouTube..] statistics show that 89% of man of all races in general wishes that the woman would make the first move. but then again, it would be bad if both sides were restandardized to be obliged to make the first move, otherwise noone will ever be able find a opposite gender whos single. so, make a move or someone else will
[..YouTube..] u r beautiful, but 99% of asian usually dont like white woman. Reason, we dont fuck around with whores and sluts that probably suck trillions of dick before graduating highschool…asian woman are pure, generally not sluts….now u understand why aisans dont approach white or blakcs.,…i want to date a future wife, not a future divorce wife.
[..YouTube..] 236 got rejected by her, well said
[..YouTube..] i am asian i get white girls all the time 🙂
[..YouTube..] You are not gonna have a bf because now noone will approach you because noone likes guessing game.
[..YouTube..] Most women are scared shitless of talking to a dude or rather making the first move hahaha I don’t know why honestly if they knew how easy it would be for them to get a guy by simply talking to them (like shooting fish in a barrel for even a decent looking chick) they wouldn’t be scared at all seriously.
[..YouTube..] This chick is stupid as fuck
[..YouTube..] ok..but who the hell would want to date you?
[..YouTube..] You don’t make yourself sound very intelligent… i don’t get the point of this video.
[..YouTube..] @gkcnae well say 😀
[..YouTube..] @gkcnae
What makes you think ALL white girls are like that 🙁
All girls like balls and all guys need balls. XD
[..YouTube..] Okay, this is so right on. It’s perfect advice for any man approaching a woman, regardless of race. Why this video has so many negative votes is indicative of a lot white men with small penises or security issues.
[..YouTube..] Most Asian guys are taller than most white guys o.O
[..YouTube..] lol..dude i would not approach U..
[..YouTube..] if im interested i will appraoch them. i don’t know why there’s so many guys not doing that. no excuses. a real man has to be strong. no matter what the odds were against you.if a girl is with a guy then it’s a no go for me.
[..YouTube..] She wants Asian men to approach her so she can turn them down. She can’t turn them down if they don’t approach her.
[..YouTube..] an asian with good eyecontact will own your soul? or what?
[..YouTube..] OMG shes givin tips to hit her…wat a slut….white women r just fo fucking,,,,they will not make a good wife,,,,
[..YouTube..] Note to asian men: I’m white, and none of this shit is true unless you’re this chick in the video.
[..YouTube..] my mouth was open when i was watching this and i like chicken
[..YouTube..] Since you said “personally”. I guess you need to have your own opinion.
I really like shy guys. there is nothing wrong with it…. the title of this video sucks.
[..YouTube..] @meerxwestenfluss I’m with you. This chicks opinion is odd.
[..YouTube..] This video is bullshit and so is the bitch in the video.
[..YouTube..] Btw, I don’t think anybody is going to approach a hoe like you.
If you were attractive, you would already have a boyfriend.
Seems like you getting dissed a lot and is now internet dating via YouTube = EPIC FAIL
[..YouTube..] confidence booster for guys…. ROFL what a joke
[..YouTube..] @lmaka1
Ok no just no I think its more the fact she’s doing this thru YouTube where no one honestly cares about it and not actually trying to you know maybe give this advice you know where it matters to a real live person in front of them. I have no qualms too approaching women but whatsoever but jesus you women need to understand as well that there are women that don’t respond back to guys the way they should not all women are the same you know…
[..YouTube..] @gkcnae
I wouldn’t say all asian women are pure either though… lol
[..YouTube..] hahah funny think is my gf is 100 way hotter than this bitch. She’s from Norway, and I am Italian but my parents are korean.. Ciao!
[..YouTube..] This chick comes off as desperate to get Asian guys to talk to her. lol
[..YouTube..] that side part is just to severe. You should bring over a bit, or try the center part of your scalp.
[..YouTube..] @hec2006
How old are you hec? I’m not trying to be mean, but there’s no other way to say this: stop being a little pussy. What the broadcaster is saying is that women prefer confident men, not that approaching any woman will guarantee you success.
The best way to gain confidence in approaching women is to get experience, which means taking risks often. No one has a 100% success rate. But practice will improve your technique and toughen you up when you get denied. Be a man!!!
[..YouTube..] @KoolJayJ
Boohoo!!!! Not enough Asian role models on television. Jesus Christ, you effin pathetic pussies. Stop whining, looking for scapegoats, etc. First of all, start working out and work on your appearance. Next focus on your social skills. Don’t expect to land a hot chick, looking like a skinny dork with greasy hair with no social skills. I sound like an internet tough guy, but what I say is universally true.
[..YouTube..] @meerxwestenfluss Which part of the vid is untrue? At one point she states “I do like it when a man approaches me”…From my experience this is true, even if I get rejected I still notice that the girl is flattered that I approached! As long as a man is respectful what’s wrong with a them approaching? Am I wrong? BTW Im white Im not talking about race.
[..YouTube..] listen girl. if u want asian guys, all u have to do is say ” oh mi so horny, oh mi so horny me luv u long time”
[..YouTube..] Do you have any Y chromosomes in you? You look it!
[..YouTube..] @1Asian44 I agree….I just don’t know how to word it. Do white women have some kind of issue with letting a guy know she’s interested.
[..YouTube..] I don’t think asian men has a problem with approaching women. I actually think they are really capable of being sexy as anyone else. Men do look for clues as to wether his attempt will be successful or not. For instance, if he sees an a pretty girl and looks at her and she dogs him, that kinda tells the guy she ain’t into him and he will not approach you.
[..YouTube..] I know alot of women can also be insecure and pretend to not be interested in a guy. Well, if you act like you only like a particular race then how can you blame someone else for believing you and not attempting to approach you.
[..YouTube..] Cutting in is gonna get a guy punch in the face..LOL Your gonna get some poor guy punched in the face..LOL
[..YouTube..] shut up about asians :[
[..YouTube..] @lmaka1 lol…ignorance…”skinny dork greasy hair with no social skills” pure ignorance…no you’re right only asian people are skinny, dorky, have greasy hair, and dont have social skills….you’re completely right dude…
[..YouTube..] @reggiebushrules
I’m not saying that Asian guys have those qualities. What I am saying is that if you’re the type of guy that is whining that girls don’t respond to you, there is a very good chance that you are lacking in the social skills or physical department. It’s much easier to blame someone else than it is to work on oneself.
[..YouTube..] SHUT UP YOU COW
[..YouTube..] @KoolJayJ Insightful! It is kinda the result of centralized patriarchal society, historically speaking. Similar phenomena are found in LDS compounds too. All the men are mentally castrated to look obedient in front of the patriarchs. And the small dicks hoax is just stupid.
[..YouTube..] @gkcnae
How can you say that? Not all white and black women are like this!!! It is not about the colour of skin but personality.
[..YouTube..] its just that asian guys dont pay you enough money for a blowjob…. thay can get it free with a nice girl and not by paying a whore white ugly bitch like you, sorry.
[..YouTube..] Why so stuck up and snobby? Try making friends with asian guys, YOU DO know how to make friends right? The whole game of chase me and chase me harder is really irritating and immature. It takes two to tango.. so if you like someone, YOU can take the effort to. Why do you speak like you’re royalty and that every guy would possibly want you? Besides a face/tits/ass what do you have exactly? Think about it – don’t be so high on yourself.
[..YouTube..] i like how she be hating on asian guys, but now she’s dating one lol
[..YouTube..] lol fucking dumb bitch i hope you get hit by a car
[..YouTube..] @skeet0nyolip by a Honda =)
[..YouTube..] What am I missing here? Why all the hate and how is this girl dissing on Asians? All she is saying is that Asian guys should have more confidence when approaching women. Guess what? Women like confident men. It is a stereotype that Asian men on average have less confidence than men of other races and there is some truth to that too. Deal with it. Build up some confidence and stop being little bitches.
[..YouTube..] I say, stay away from a high maintenance girl like this anyway. Also, you guys listen up…neverh “help her with groceries.”. Never buy her a drink, tell her she’s pretty, help her with this or that…the second you start trying to do things for her, she’ll lose interest. Don’t ever take advice from how to get women from a woman. Find a guy you know who has an easy time with girls, ask him questions and study his game.
[..YouTube..] This woman is a balloon head. Plain and simple.
If you want an asian man, just get one!
[..YouTube..] *starts singing* why can’t we be friends?
[..YouTube..] Chris crocker?
[..YouTube..] look, u aint god
[..YouTube..] annoying bitch
[..YouTube..] Yeh, I’d help this chick with her groceries…..
….I’d run off with them lol
[..YouTube..] uhmmm.. are u racist?
[..YouTube..] Hell I’m Asian and I don’t want no white chick going up to me I don’t like the white chicks not to be racist I like black chicks Asian chicks hespanic chicks but I feel NO attraction to white chicks
[..YouTube..] she didn’t say anything about she doesn’t like asian men. She only said that she will not approach men in general. She is giving advises. The title is confusing lol
[..YouTube..] I think this chick just has problems trying to get a guy. Why else would you post videos giving guys advice on how to talk to you. Definitely porn material though.
[..YouTube..] this woman sounds like she’s doing porn
[..YouTube..] @MrBrwzah the more masculine version of chris…
[..YouTube..] u need to be fucked by an asian guy to know some actual fact and how u feel bout them.
But IM ASIAN! i was aproached by an white women! she had a better sht than u did
[..YouTube..] i’d approach you…and then tell you to shut the fuck up LoL
[..YouTube..] You must be DESPRITE for a guy! To go on youtube and request guys to approach you, dumb bitch!
[..YouTube..] 292 dislikes are from asian me who are just shy
[..YouTube..] @chienam10 MOOOOOO :O
[..YouTube..] @kingmafi6699 yes they are pink dick
[..YouTube..] Basically, all the stuff you blabbered about are just plain common sense. Thanks for saying something that I and thousands of other Asian males already know.
[..YouTube..] u look like a man
[..YouTube..] asian guys wont approach you too!!! anyway asian guys dont need you..because we do have cute girls…try to live in east asian countries and southeast asian countries…you’ll know =P many white girls love asian guys =P….anyway asian girls are more pretty and cute..white girls like you cant be cute =P no matter what you do to yourself!!..BTW FUCK you!!!
[..YouTube..] @rasjjtube she is interested in asian men, shes just stating that she will not approach ANY MEN, its gotta be the guy who has the balls! why are people thinking she hates asian men?? she hasnt said that ANYWHERE in the video
[..YouTube..] … What the fuck …
[..YouTube..] she looks like chris croker
[..YouTube..] heard of HD?
[..YouTube..] The thing that make no sence is that a man need to come to talk..ok but I tought it were the girls who enjoy talking more..
[..YouTube..] Wow
[..YouTube..] LOL your a joke
[..YouTube..] Like if your talking and you have a boner?! Thats just like creepy!
[..YouTube..] your teeth are huge and your voice is anoyying
[..YouTube..] @Shirro384 good one sir!
[..YouTube..] @Shirro384 Agreed.
[..YouTube..] your pretentious
[..YouTube..] i dont really get the hating, she’s cool
[..YouTube..] or maybe they just don’t want to approach girls like you..don’t put all white girls like me with what your saying…they are attractive.
[..YouTube..] your a fucking hoe no asian guy would wish for you , you look like some fucking donkey bird ass
[..YouTube..] I was going to say something mean but it seems I don’t have to. hahaha
[..YouTube..] ……………………………………….
[..YouTube..] I see something special about you…that’s why I am fapping right now 🙂
[..YouTube..] Who the fuck would approack u, ur fugly as hell
[..YouTube..] many east asian men wont even approach an east asian girl so how will they do it for a white girl lol .
[..YouTube..] Your one of the reasons a lot of races dislike white people (especial the women). You put yourself on a pedestal and try to represent the opinions of all white women (whom I know for a fact don’t all think like you), and you make it seem like everyone wants you just because your white. Especial when it comes to interracial dating, it’s not about the race it’s about the personality, and with yours I’d be surprise if you got approached by anyone but a member of the KKK.
[..YouTube..] u dumb fugly ass looking kitchen whore
[..YouTube..] LOL ur really desperate arent u. Hahahah no one approache u irl so u have to come here and try to sell urself? Ahhahahaah this is the funniest thing i have seen in a while
[..YouTube..] i was watching a gears of war video…30 mins later i ended up on this, wtf?
[..YouTube..] i agree that the guy should have the guts to approach, but…wtf does the title have to do with the video?
[..YouTube..] awwww pokemon
[..YouTube..] Your not even that hot…so shut the fuck up.
[..YouTube..] it seem that all the people that has all the bad comment to say didn’t actually watched the video and just kinda judge it by the title….. WAY to go
[..YouTube..] shut up bitch ur even pretty as my LUBOT
[..YouTube..] Thanks to this video. It really boost my confident. Back in high school, I never really thought a white girl would be interested in a Asian guy. I personally thought white girls were too stuck up and they look like their not interested in Asian men. I think white girls are hot, sexy, beautiful, and gorgeous. Thanks for the heads up.
[..YouTube..] I’m basing my comment here off the title. White women will not approach Asian men? I’ve been approached by numerous white women. I guess I’m the exception.
[..YouTube..] Lol hahah this girl is completely stupid!!! Help her with her grocerys?? She is apparrantly looking for a bitch.
[..YouTube..] Simple as this, me personally, and let me make that clear, personally, think u make no fucking sense…
[..YouTube..] “the man is looking at me and he see something special in me…” what kinda bullshit is that??? yall women should understand by now, when a man u dont know is looking at u, he aint finding anything special IN u or thinkin “wow she must have a great personality”, nah. nah he thinking “DAMN girl u badddd! I wanna get up in THAT!”
[..YouTube..] Oh my God….you’re sooooo annoying and even a little creepy….
[..YouTube..] We do not view white woman as someone who understands the concept of commitment and has the ability to raise a family. The divorce rate in this country is over 50% and as Asian man, we dont want to be a part of this bad statistics.
In general, Asians get better grades in school and make higher salary. Therefore, we expect a higher standard from the white woman.
[..YouTube..] WTF! every1 is trolling. u guys dont even get it. the reason why that is the title because asians are usually shy and she explains that girls respond to confidence!! u dumb trolls. im asian too i saw the title but then i watched the video. so to you annoying trolls shut the fuck up and go suck your little yellow cock
[..YouTube..] Nice jay leno chin
[..YouTube..] Lol, I think you need to change the title.
[..YouTube..] i would approach to you !!! WITH AN AXE !! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA LooOooL
[..YouTube..] Leave Britney Alone!
[..YouTube..] hihi but asian women ;p -“3 some are not atractive but moszlz
[..YouTube..] OMG! you could kill a person with that jay leno chin! no wonder Asians doesn’t approach you.
[..YouTube..] why are you such a freaking troll? stfu no one likes you
[..YouTube..] fuck you white bitch i love my asian women, you would be the last thing i wanna look fucking ugly ass white bitch who talks so fucking annoying
[..YouTube..] @missionagainstterro1
ahahah !!
[..YouTube..] lol who does she think she is
[..YouTube..] She’s ugly lmfao
[..YouTube..] who would approach you nt
[..YouTube..] fuck this pig.. i only see white girls as nasty pornstars
[..YouTube..] well that’s your opinion but your not even trying to reach out and try something different and new i just think that you shouldn’t say that because you sound very dumb like a broad bt just be careful what you say its going to come back to you..
[..YouTube..] i’d approach you
[..YouTube..] She makes this seem like a add for buying cleaning products.
[..YouTube..] you should sue your orthodontist.
[..YouTube..] y u telling us all bout how u would like to be approached, its not like people are going to approach u, lets face it ur not that good looking btw so stop wishing for it.
[..YouTube..] go get fucked up the ass whore
[..YouTube..] …id approach you… to tell you whats up with your teeth? throughout the whole video i couldn’t stop looking at them, whoever gave you braces or whatever did a horrible job. another thing…dont try and be a blonde…grow your hair out naturally, you’d be alot prettier if you were a brunette…honestly i think alot of girls would be prettier if they grew out their hair naturally instead of trying to be so blonde…
[..YouTube..] You talk too much are are probably too needy. Any man prefers a woman who is low matinece and not so opinionated. I’d rather stay single and have money in my pocket than be broke and have a constant headache.
[..YouTube..] I’m Asian, well half anyway, and I’ve been approached plenty, so I think you may be jumping to conclusions. However, I think as men, it’s our job to do the approaching.
[..YouTube..] Jesus Suffering Christ!!!! Would that girl ever stop talking???? Advertising herself and her horse-teeth on YT???
[..YouTube..] I dont know if this makes…but I will only feel attractive if an non-Asian girl says im attractive…if an Asian girl says im attractive….it does not really mean a thing to me: Asian American Guy
[..YouTube..] @mongolian50cent: lol…i can definitely tell you DONT get white girls at all…even the ugly ones…haha…Asian American Guy
[..YouTube..] @1reasonz: you are so right….
[..YouTube..] @phamtruax: yes, you are definitely right…the type of asian men who can’t get white girls…Asian American Guy
[..YouTube..] I honestly don’t understand the negative comments….she is simply saying she will not approach men, that men should approach her…that is the way it is supposed to be….men are supposed to approach the women and it does not matter what race the man is….
[..YouTube..] You have wrinkles and too needy. Personally as a man, I will approach you and chop your ugly head off
[..YouTube..] this video proves the point that girls are all stuck up, ignorant, (for lack of a more perfect word) BITCHES. and this particular girl doesnt even know it. SMH
[..YouTube..] How lucky all those asian men are that they dont have to approach a stuck up, selfish bitch. They can do miles better than u
[..YouTube..] bro, which earth are u currently residing on…
[..YouTube..] i preffer italian, european, hispanic, asian, and african.
[..YouTube..] You aren’t even pretty… and I’m drunk O_O
[..YouTube..] yeah there is something “special” about you…YOU ARE FULL OF SH*T
[..YouTube..] @FrostmoorX hahahahaha
[..YouTube..] You’re are asking for too much, , ,
[..YouTube..] Title is misleading. Women of all racial backgrounds prefer to sit on their asses and wait for men to make the first move.
[..YouTube..] mmmm…. I think that no asian men wish to have you too so you don’t need to worry about it ^^ … there are more beautiful girls with nice personality better than.. and plenty of Spanish, Italian, and Asian girls look better than you 100x so… 🙂
[..YouTube..] yes smile and make eye contact ……. she is a love teacher……
[..YouTube..] i’d approach u…. and ask if u want to get ur nails done 😀
[..YouTube..] Thanks for your tip about coming up from the front and side. I’m a grown man and never even thought of this. Good psychology.
[..YouTube..] @zZjAeZz, Listen to what she’s saying. It’s all about courting. The social aspects of it all is priceless.
[..YouTube..] i also like to be approached, but i was the one who approached my asian guy… already 2 years and 8 months together and still very happy =D
[..YouTube..] I LOVE KATE!!!! 🙂
[..YouTube..] all u assholes out here..better watch the video first b4 disliking or giving any sort of abusive comments!!
[..YouTube..] 111 watched the entire video 378 people just read the title and complain
[..YouTube..] Title is wayyyyy misleading so watch the entire video
[..YouTube..] Rogues do it from behind lol
[..YouTube..] Damn how many fucking times can you make a video with the same subject ?
[..YouTube..] cut in while you’re dancing with another guy.. Would guys at clubs do that? surely guys at clubs still have rules for how they deal with each other?
[..YouTube..] @Shirro384: haha…you’re a bitch
[..YouTube..] @skrud151: haha…you dont get white girls at all…welll except maybe the fat and ugly ones…
[..YouTube..] stuck up bitch!!!!
[..YouTube..] I’m an asian guy that really likes white girl. I hope i i’ll meet her someday and make her happy as long as i can, even though im struggling with my english.
[..YouTube..] real men do it from behind girl
[..YouTube..] @erdal0
she’s trying to avoid the pussy type that come up from behind. didn’t you hear what she said?she want a man with some balls to come up to her..not from behind.lol white girls normally don’t talk this agressive about balls. do you think she’s putting on a show? their one thing i know she’s wrong, is when she said it would be nice if a guy could cut in the middle of her dancing with another guy.she must not club to much because you can get your ass whipped for doing something like that.
[..YouTube..] u look like a dude. 0.o
[..YouTube..] or…..we can just not bother talking to you at all.
[..YouTube..] my god, is this a “how to” video on how to get into your pants? nice…
[..YouTube..] what the crap is up with the title?! you didn’t even say anything about asians at all
[..YouTube..] im asian and i went out with a lot of white girls before
[..YouTube..] fail?
[..YouTube..] all i hear is blah blah blah
[..YouTube..] you really look like my ex-
[..YouTube..] Hey I have say something to say NOBODY FUCKIN CARES ARE A FUCKIN OLD LADY OR SOMTHING
[..YouTube..] ur a tranny right? yeah, i MUST be right
[..YouTube..] you say “mee” a lot, no wonder no one approaches you, you’re speaking for women when your “mee personally” brain is a bit fucked up -.-
[..YouTube..] Noone will approach u either u ugly whore 🙂
[..YouTube..] this girl is scary in this video. She is not real human.. she is a ghost.
[..YouTube..] Gotta love the generalizations these White chicks make. Once they are emotionally abused by an Asian guys they’ll go back to White dudes. Suckers…
[..YouTube..] @1reasonz And what a shitty title it is.
[..YouTube..] why on this earth would anyone wanna go with u? u fucking Desperate bitch, stop making videos on”how to approach u” and atleast find a non-racist title.
[..YouTube..] Hater
[..YouTube..] This notion of confidence is absurd and is White people’s way of trying to establish superiority amongst Asians by making as they are what Asians should strive to attain or try to become. Reality is that its simply cultural preference that some Asians want to be with other Asians and dont need a White person’s validation to have confidence.
[..YouTube..] …Race mixing = bad result. Even an Asian like me deters race mixing.
[..YouTube..] i will approach white girls, given that they are not FAT !
[..YouTube..] asians dont go clubbing…why?? COZ WE ARE SHY ASSHOLES…YOU ALL FUCKING HAPPY??? alright so now everyone happy???
[..YouTube..] @jdmbanzai Wtf are you talking about, I go clubbing with my friends, they tend to drag me along lol but I go. I prefer not to simply because it fucking sucks! Its crowded as hell, everybody is drunk, fake and sweaty, constantly swimming through people and bumping into everybody, drinks are crazy expensive. It aint all its cracked up to be, its a corny element.
[..YouTube..] She’s not saying anything bad about you lol, unclench your buttocks and chill.
Uploader, you need to understand that your title is very misleading, for someone giving advice on how to be approached you really have no idea on how to make yourself approachable. Just sayin’..
[..YouTube..] You need a nose job first, then maybe Asian guys will approach you. : P
[..YouTube..] Do the opposite of what this girl said and you’ll get her,
women want some imaginary belief that we ignore.
[..YouTube..] When she says “personally,” it reminds me of Miss South Carolina lololzolzolzo
[..YouTube..] I go and talk to every different girls out there.. Not all girls will look at guy because most of them are shy..
[..YouTube..] @xtremixt1 if you stare at the background, she does kinda look like a ghost…scary lol
[..YouTube..] she actually thinks everyone wants here smh
[..YouTube..] @infmsdc5 yup
[..YouTube..] Although I dont really like the messages from the video much but she is hot but sorry no her personalities are just … too wild! ^^”
[..YouTube..] Have a little problem with that confidence thing. And a female friend of mine told me that most women find confident men irresistible. Personally I believe most of them will end up pregnant and alone. Many men fake confidence. And I don’t play games. What I can do is, be honest and myself.
[..YouTube..] She’s actually a very nice girl. Men think all kinds of made up crashes in their head and not approach these hot looking women. From personal experiences, I’d say average looking girls are more likely to shoot you down compared to their hotter counterparts.
[..YouTube..] HUGE FACIAL CUMSHOT works for her!!!
[..YouTube..] She thinks she’s a princess or something
[..YouTube..] Ur a whore u like fucking around sure u like been bitxh hahaa….
[..YouTube..] she’s pretty
[..YouTube..] thanks for posting the vid. Lots of scared dudes out there
[..YouTube..] hey guys,
blondes r the worst, stick to brunettes or red head girls.
[..YouTube..] wait, why did you bring asians into this?
[..YouTube..] U ugly anyways!
[..YouTube..] so why paris hilton (a white women) is approaching manny pacquiao (an asian guy)??? so white women just want a money.. is that right?? like it if ya agree..
[..YouTube..] She looks like a 40 year old Heidi montag wannabe lol
[..YouTube..] Why did you bring Asian into this? whats with you? I don’t get it? Are you racist?
[..YouTube..] by the way, who the XXXX you think you are? DISGUESTING !
[..YouTube..] thanks god your Teeth are clean ( the most beautiful on your face , btw they are huge. )
[..YouTube..] @andrewdisplay I literally LOL’d when I read your comment. You get a thumbs up guy. I’m sure a surprise cumshot to the face would get her smiling from ear to ear.
[..YouTube..] @FrostmoorX: That is harsh…you must be really ugly then….
[..YouTube..] @montezoma: Nope…she just wants guys to hit on her….like most women do…genius
[..YouTube..] @mathsprofessional: haha…you dont get women at all…i can tell….Fucking Chump
[..YouTube..] @TheAsianNinja11: She is not a hater…you just dont score with white women at all….
[..YouTube..] When u got SWAG, race has nothing to do with it.
[..YouTube..] Well…who asked you?
[..YouTube..] @WHITEAZN123 Well….who asked you?
[..YouTube..] nooooo its asian guys cant get blonde chicks but they can get brunettes watch other videos and u’ll see i speak the truth 😀