Response: ‘Rachet White Girl Is Back Teaching How To Become Asian! (Starts Sterotyping)’

by Heather · 3,218 comments

AMWW Magazine Responds Rachet Racist White-Girl

AMWW Magazine Responds Rachet Racist White-Girl

Hey readers! Huggable Heather here, yet again, reporting on another ignorant, racist White girl on Asians. While she’s not viral to the extent of Alexandra Wallace (and that may have more to do with the fact that Alexandra was an aspiring model), she makes up for it by being more distasteful and tactless in her topics and deliverance.

This girl is prompted to make a video just in time for her friend’s birthday, who just so happens to be Asian. As she ponders this occasion, she comes to the realization that she has no idea what it’s like to be Asian and does her own research.

With a playlist including “Kung-Fu Fighting” by Carl Douglas, she gives us a “how-to” guide on how to be Asian.

First, she recognizes a difference in eye-shape. Since many Asians have a single-fold eyelid, she “rectifies” this problem by pulling out clear scotch tape (initially, this is where I shut off the video since these things always make my blood boil, but since I needed to do a review on this, I pressed on and forced myself to continue) but suggested duct tape for those who are more “hard core wanting to be Asian”. She proceeded to tape her eyes down until they were almost completely shut, but opened just a little so she could see.

Is she stupid or trolling?

Is she stupid or trolling?

After she solved the eyelid problem, she then addressed the skin tone issue. She did so by pulling out a bottle of mustard and rubbed it all over her face. At this point, I am reminded of the picture commonly used on the internet where Fry from Futurama is squinting with the underlying caption “Can’t tell if stupid or just trolling.” I seriously am wondering if anyone can be this stupid.

The next step in the Asian transformation process is to change your name. She achieved this by dropping a fork on the table and using the sound it made as a name – she is henceforth “Ching Chong”. The more I press on, the more I wonder if she is trolling or just insanely stupid. She continued this by changing her “F” grade to an “A+” and ate ramen noodles, noting that Asians love ramen because it reminds them of cat intestines.

The final instruction she gives is in regard to tastes in porn. She advises you to be into some really freaky stuff, such as peeing on a reptile. She then treats us to two girls peeing on an octopus (NSFW).

Upon finishing the video, I’m still unsure as to whether or not she was trolling or just stupid. I’m leaning more towards trolling since she knows how to do some basic video editing and included tentacle porn. That being said, I still find it pretty unacceptable.

Let’s say she made this video about African-Americans. If she taught you how to be African-American by painting your face black and eating fried chicken, it would get more negative attention and would be considered incredibly racist.

So why is it any different when she rubs mustard on her face and names herself Ching Chong?

If it is unacceptable to be racist against one group of people, it is unacceptable to be racist against any others.

I know some readers posted in my last article about Alexandra Wallace and how I shouldn’t get upset – how Asian guys could handle themselves and they didn’t need some random White chick getting up in arms about it for them.

While I completely agree that it is not up to White people to deem what is racist to other groups and what isn’t, I’m not just doing this on the behalf of Asians and Asian-Americans. I personally am offended by this video. It made me sick to my stomach to watch. I couldn’t believe she had the audacity to post something like this, trolling or not. People that are non-Asian and actually do hold these stereotypes against Asians will positively reinforce this behavior and cause more discrimination against Asians and Asian-Americans in general, publically and privately.

So, while some of you may think this won’t do anything and is harmless, consider this (which is all dating research I did on behalf of JT “Asian Playboy” Tran):

  • Asian-Americans are the fastest growing victims of hate crime in the US. (CS Poly, Pomona).
  • Out of the 199 Asian-Americans followed, 99% reported at least one incident of hate, racism, stereotypes or slander everyday for a year.(Journal of Counseling Psychology, 2010)
  • At the age of 18, Asian-American students reported that 72% were virgins. Compare this to the 33% of Blacks, 45% of Hispanics and 52%of Whites that reported themselves as virgins at age 18. Asian males have the highest median age of losing their virginity: 18.1 years old. (Journal of Sex Research, 2002)
  • 16% of US born Asian women have contemplated suicide. Compare this to 13% of all Americans. (University of Washington)
  • Asians are paid three cents less than Whites, even though they’re twice as likely to hold an advanced degree. (US Census)
  • 27% of White males never marry and 35% of Asian males never marry. That difference is 8%. 21% of White women never marry and 26% of Asian women never marry. That difference is 5%. The total number of Asian men (above the age of 15) that never married is: 1,352,040. (US Census Bureau, 2000)

While I am by no means claiming she caused the inequalities felt by Asian-Americans, the video demonstrates some of the biases and racism exhibited by the American society at large. She is repeating the stereotypes she knows because she was influenced by others around her. She, in turn, will influence others, causing a positive feedback loop. If we are to create a more inviting, equal environment for Asian-Americans, we need to nip this behavior in the bud and let her know that this is not right (and just one of the many reasons I love working here at AMWW Magazine and the ABCs of Attraction).

This nameless, most likely trolling girl did not receive the same attention as Alexandra Wallace. That does not mean, however, that we should condone her actions. So, while some of you will say that Asians should “take it in stride”, be aware that this video is an example of how even the most harmless of people have been impacted by racist stereotypes, meaning it’s entirely possible that those in a position to hire, elect and marry have been as well.

Agree or disagree with me? Sound off in the comments and thanks for reading!

{ 3218 comments… read them below or add one }

technoluvr August 10, 2011 at 10:32 pm

[..YouTube..] first


DYLANAPPLEJUICE2 August 10, 2011 at 10:42 pm

[..YouTube..] no u


DYLANAPPLEJUICE2 August 10, 2011 at 10:42 pm



StarRosePink August 10, 2011 at 10:49 pm

[..YouTube..] Also, an interesting fact – China was the country that did a video on “Inequality in America” and they exposed how America treats it’s Native individuals. Not to mention the IRS (which isnt a part of the government) is still stealing land away from the poorest reservations in SD; go figure. How much more can be taken? SD and ND was suppose to be all native lands; that was the original treaty. Karma – now China is using America’s faults to will its people from liking Americans.


vinnie anthony August 10, 2011 at 10:58 pm

[..YouTube..] You’re right on all your points. Its not alright to be racist towards one group and not another. Racism is the same all around, its still hate.


vinnie anthony August 10, 2011 at 10:58 pm



jerseyman9080 August 10, 2011 at 11:00 pm

[..YouTube..] HI heather, idk how do i know you, but i love your video and you are so beautiful. but what makes you beautiful is your loving and big heart which is full of love and kindness.


Jeffrey Yang August 10, 2011 at 11:10 pm

[..YouTube..] I question the legitamacy of these studies…. Asian parents are extreamly adamant about marriage the marriage thing just doesn’t seem likely…. The virgin thing is most likely true but honestly sex before 18 really isn’t very important to most Asians who know and understand that they WILL get laid in college


Jeffrey Yang August 10, 2011 at 11:10 pm



Blitess August 10, 2011 at 11:36 pm

[..YouTube..] completely agree with you.


demonkid26 August 10, 2011 at 11:59 pm

[..YouTube..] Respect ^^


Johnny Lee August 10, 2011 at 11:59 pm

[..YouTube..] Respect ^^


Johnny Lee August 10, 2011 at 11:59 pm



Tingy August 10, 2011 at 11:59 pm

[..YouTube..] Respect ^^


leurseng August 11, 2011 at 12:46 am

[..YouTube..] where’s the video?


4Ventus August 11, 2011 at 12:50 am

[..YouTube..] @149chris Asia is a big place. Different Asian countries eat different food. And you would need to understand the history and culture of each of those countries in order to make proper judgement instead of looking at a from a western point of view. In fact, you would actually have to live in Asia in order to make any legitimate claim.


needles1987 August 11, 2011 at 12:56 am

[..YouTube..] You’re hot!!


JesusTheGardener August 11, 2011 at 1:27 am

[..YouTube..] Wait I was supposed to lose my virginity by 18? shit.


Blitess August 11, 2011 at 1:36 am



supertrex2 August 11, 2011 at 1:45 am

[..YouTube..] you pregnant? youve gained weight…. in a sexy way


Terminus92 August 11, 2011 at 1:46 am

[..YouTube..] iam asian marry me baby


ace55231291 August 11, 2011 at 1:51 am

[..YouTube..] WOW she is so different than other you tubers , Awesome.forgot to mention she looks Gorgeous.

i want your opinion on south Asians.


leurseng chang August 11, 2011 at 2:46 am

[..YouTube..] where’s the video?


sonnetxi August 11, 2011 at 3:11 am

[..YouTube..] that troll girl was pretty funny lol


sonnetxi August 11, 2011 at 3:11 am

[..YouTube..] @leurseng in the description


sonnetxi August 11, 2011 at 3:13 am

[..YouTube..] @StarRosePink how can China as a entire nation do a single video? ha


denshaotoko89 August 11, 2011 at 3:40 am

[..YouTube..] Id give this chick my asian dick


Mike Strater August 11, 2011 at 3:45 am

[..YouTube..] you pregnant? youve gained weight…. in a sexy way


John L August 11, 2011 at 5:40 am

[..YouTube..] Id give this chick my asian dick


Awesomealvin August 11, 2011 at 6:10 am

Some of those stats seem sketchy.

“Asian males have the highest median age of losing their virginity: 18.1 years old” Assuming this is correct, I think it has more to do with our culture and the bragging rights. (Kinda like asking someone to measure the length of their own penis, they would always add a little extra.) Also in Asian American society there is nothing wrong with being a virgin, so we don’t need to lie when asked if we are virgins. (I’m a 22year old Asian Male virgin, so what???)

“16% of US born Asian women have contemplated suicide. Compare this to 13% of all Americans” I dunno why wont they just give the straight on stat comparison of contemplating suicide between Asian women, White women, and African American Women? I bet if they compare US born Asians to all Americans it would be 13% to 13%.

“Asians are paid three cents less than Whites, even though they’re twice as likely to hold an advanced degree.” Maybe because most of the Asian workforce with advanced degree are only between (0-10years) in their carriers. A lot of Asians with degrees have parents who work low level jobs, there are very very minor Asian Americans who are 25years into their carrier working at the top level.

“27% of White males never marry and 35% of Asian males never marry. That
difference is 8%. 21% of White women never marry and 26% of Asian women
never marry. That difference is 5%. The total number of Asian men (above
the age of 15) that never married is: 1,352,040”
This is total BS, how would you predict the future? You could bring up past stats with hard data, but predicting that 1.3M Asian men above 15 won’t get married is just BS.

Sorry for such a lengthy posting, I’m an engineer I just get quite sensitive with numbers.


Kanata17th May 31, 2012 at 10:38 pm

stats can be made up by the rulers,,,they fear us, these barbarians must be conquered in the name of the celestial empire


StarRosePink August 11, 2011 at 6:34 am

[..YouTube..] @sonnetxi Thats a pretty ignorant claim considering they have a work force of over a billion, and they are the “new” world power; number one to be. Via media is a method of control that is used there, obviously with all those people they do lots of videos to keep people supporting communism. ALthough they have the greatest hackers, China filter feeds it people information. The only reason why the USD isn’t as bad as it could be is, b/c its backed by the YUAN. The Euro is not backed by the YUAN.


sonnetxi August 11, 2011 at 6:42 am

[..YouTube..] @StarRosePink wut? uh…..i think you misunderstood me lol

i meant every a nation as a totality cant partake in the production of a single video. iam chinese, and i know i didnt make the video…


StarRosePink August 11, 2011 at 6:45 am

[..YouTube..] Not to mention that China has been going on spending sprees for natural resources with nerly all of its USD. Since they are backing the dollar, they don’t always have to, and they are slowly seperating their connections with the USA. Which, if you have brain, that should be a RED FLAG. Considering that they know the fate of the dollar. (USD) The Tibetans said that when “They” as in Asians, cast away their ideals, that it is the end of the world. (As we know it). Same-ness is not a guarantee.


Aurora August 11, 2011 at 6:48 am

Watching the video…wow I felt embarrassed. I also wondered if she was that stupid indeed or if she meant it as a satire or what. Still it’s very distasteful to make fun of a culture or a race like that. (What if she was a Protestant or Evangelical and I made fun of her like that?) I also thought she looked very similar to Alexandra Wallace, or maybe its me? I’m willing to bet that if she made fun of African Americans or some other minority then she would have gotten far more attention for her actions. 


StarRosePink August 11, 2011 at 6:52 am

[..YouTube..] @sonnetxi It’s propaganda for those that live in China. There isn’t much to it other than the topic of the video, which was “Inequality in America”. Which, we all know, from this side, that they are not ones to talk about “Inequality”, lol, BUT what they talked about in the video was REAL stuff. Not fabricated bull sh!t. People actually freeze and starve to death in America!


sonnetxi August 11, 2011 at 7:26 am

[..YouTube..] @StarRosePink 0_0 ok…..

i mean iam agreeing with you in some parts but, what kind of acid are you taking? just courious :]


unorthodoxtrotsky August 11, 2011 at 7:53 am

[..YouTube..] @denshaotoko89
Is that THAT necessary???? She’s talking about racism against Asian people which have been neglected by this society. As a white woman, she definitely have more guts and passion than Asian man like you regardless of the fact that racism against Asians effects you more directly!


StarRosePink August 11, 2011 at 8:52 am



LobsterTrainer August 11, 2011 at 9:01 am

[..YouTube..] I can’t wait for others to rip that Rachet White Girl apart.


axfndi62 August 11, 2011 at 9:32 am

[..YouTube..] You know, if you really think about it, the racism and stereotypes directed towards Asians aren’t as bad as other races, lets say African Americans. We have slanted eyes, eat noodles, good at math, skinny, etc. So what? Why should that affect us? Thats part of our culture, who we are.

I just came from the London Riots videos and there was way more nasty racist remarks directed towards blacks and I feel sorry for them and us as well. We are all victims of racism, but we have to rise above it.


unorthodoxtrotsky August 11, 2011 at 9:53 am

[..YouTube..] @denshaotoko89 Is that THAT necessary???? She’s talking about racism against Asian people which have been neglected by this society. As a white woman, she definitely have more guts and passion than Asian man like you regardless of the fact that racism against Asians effects you more directly!


frankinsf August 11, 2011 at 11:48 am

[..YouTube..] i m asian, that youtube video was a joke.. a fucking joke.. it wasnt meant to be malicious… if you re so racially sensitive, just go live in the mountains and become a monk


grindTIME1985 August 11, 2011 at 1:15 pm

[..YouTube..] @frankinsf

you should be slapped, to even think joking about racism is funny, you are retarded. its the same thing as making jokes about handicap people. something not acceptable in todays society.
Sorry but your a fool, i really hope someone slaps you or better yet knocks some sense into your ignorant brain of yours.


gunbirdx August 11, 2011 at 1:24 pm

[..YouTube..] @StarRosePink separation from the US?? you do realize china owns a shit ton of american debt as of almost a year ago right? not to mention they are a significant shareholder of GM?? i don’t even know why anyone brings politics into this… it’s fucking moot. heather’s just trying to express her frustration towards people who treat asians poorly because she has a special place in her heart for them. leave politics out of this, it’s so irrelevant…


Kelvin Han Yee August 11, 2011 at 3:57 pm

Response: For Random White Girl who’s “got back”
and teaches how to cum with Asian Boys (Fights Stereotyping). – Here’s
what you can do about it. Show this vid to your Asian BF. Push replay
so he gets really pissed off and makes his Bruce Lee face. Then get
naked and let him “express himself”. You won’t have cured racism but
you’ll both feel a lot better about it! 🙂


unorthodoxtrotsky August 11, 2011 at 5:58 pm

[..YouTube..] @axfndi62
“…the racism and stereotypes directed toward Asians aren’t as bad as other races” It’s true, but it still is racism. Also if you do agree that racism against other races are worst, that’s going to play the role of worsening racism against Asians in future. As a society, there are greater tendency of taking racism against blacks more seriously(as Heather noted) than racism against Asians. It’s not simply because racism against blacks are more worst than racism against Asians.


unorthodoxtrotsky August 11, 2011 at 6:02 pm

[..YouTube..] @axfndi62
It’s because blacks have been more aggressive confronting racism against blacks than Asians have ever done. Asians are very used to acknowledging racism against them which lead to one, their inability to recognize racism against themselves as something to confront and fight against, and two, actually be more active in terms of confronting and fighting, that is basically being able to intolerant against racism on Asians. Your reply indicate this character which is very unhealthy.


Anonymous August 11, 2011 at 6:21 pm

stop negative stereo typing is important but I want to say Asian men in America should go entertainment and sports fields not academics.

Even you see some Asian in the professional sports.Most of them are from Japan,Korea or China not from America.

Are their famous Asian rock musician?I have not seen them.Are their any American born Asian guy who is on Hollywood screen? -None.(You see positive image black actors,Will Smith,Denzel Washington etc)

Have you ever seen Asian guy in Romantic drama? None

Have you ever seen Asian comedian? Yes.(I think it’s good start)

Black and Lationo worked hard in this area and they created positive image too.So,they have many different face now.


Lita October 19, 2011 at 3:26 am

Musician: have you heard of the far east movement? All asians. Their songs are all over the radio these days.

Hollywood: Justin Chon, Lanny Joon, Aaron Yoo, John Cho, Harry Shum Jr.

Drama: Again, Lanny Joon and Harry Shum Jr.

there are also more and more Asian football players popping up recently


Anonymous October 19, 2011 at 4:40 am


But it’s just started.It seems like getting better.I mean,you may see many variety of Asian not one stereo type nerdy one.

By the time when I notice those kind of Asian guys,I can say Asian status has changed.


Kanata17th May 31, 2012 at 10:36 pm

fukkk let the blacks n spics entertain the whites, we’re not clowns we come as conquers, sooo pleasee study harder and fuk them by all means


SeriouslyPissedOff August 11, 2011 at 7:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Chill the fuck out and stop acting like you’re actually offended. That video was funny as fuck. Yeah she’s a little lame, but whatever. Just having fun. Stop being so fucking sensitive little hoeeeee


StarRosePink August 11, 2011 at 7:49 pm

[..YouTube..] @gunbirdx Freedom of speech 🙂 Any who; if you read what I wrote, thats exactly what I said. They have USD (dollars) and they are going on spending sprees with the USD; leaving them with more YUAN and more goods, but less of the American dollar. Get it? They are not buying any more of our debt via bonds, and like stated before they are using up the USD they do have. Also, if you have been watching carefully, the USA has already been left out from important international finacle meetings.


unorthodoxtrotsky August 11, 2011 at 7:58 pm

[..YouTube..] @axfndi62 “…the racism and stereotypes directed toward Asians aren’t as bad as other races” It’s true, but it still is racism. Also if you do agree that racism against other races are worst, that’s going to play the role of worsening racism against Asians in future. As a society, there are greater tendency of taking racism against blacks more seriously(as Heather noted) than racism against Asians. It’s not simply because racism against blacks are more worst than racism against Asians.


unorthodoxtrotsky August 11, 2011 at 7:58 pm



StarRosePink August 11, 2011 at 8:01 pm

[..YouTube..] @gunbirdx If you did read anything that I wrote. I talked about a video the Chinese made about “Inequality in America” – in which they educate their own public on what is happening on Native American Reservations. The only place where people actually freeze to death in the winter; and some reservations having unemployment rates of over 80%. I guess the Chinese had a special place in their hearts for the Native Americans. China is only doing the same thing other countries have done, cant hate.


gunbirdx August 11, 2011 at 11:41 pm

[..YouTube..] @StarRosePink are you fucking serious? you’re going on with this? you and your (incredibly speculatory) presumptuousness isn’t impressive. still irrelevant and moot.


WishCRUS4D3R August 12, 2011 at 1:10 am

[..YouTube..] @StarRosePink Go look at America’s treatment of the Filipinos in the Philippines American war, the native Americans, the blacks, Nicaraguans, the Vietnamese, the Iraqi’s, the widely documented history of suppressing independent democratic movements all across the middle east to make way for US supported dictators. Now compare that against the crimes of the Chinese. If yo tally it all up you will see that America is much worse in how it treats other people around the world than China.


WishCRUS4D3R August 12, 2011 at 1:11 am

[..YouTube..] @StarRosePink So just shut up already and look at your self in the mirror. Why don’t you just address the points made by Heather in this video instead of spewing your paranoid anti-china bullshit.


StarRosePink August 12, 2011 at 5:21 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R Paraniod? Maybe a book! Thats actually information you can find from the news, lol. I said “Cant hate” – meaning we can’t hate on the truth. We DO have to read to get the truth ya know. We can’t get mad at China that they are doing the same things others countries (previous world powers) have done. Although I do not agree with a lot of its practicies; we are not saints in the karma department in the USA; we all will get what we give.


StarRosePink August 12, 2011 at 5:36 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R Totally true; cant really say much more than that. I watched a linked video on how many Europeans dislike Americans, and its funny b/c if you ask a white American what they are; they reply “German” or “Half German, Half Irish”. They are less likely to say “America”, versus anyone else. Yet, you have people in Germany that hate Americans so much that their “blood boils”. (quote) A little ironic that they hate their own people. That is how ignorance/anger operates; a lack of reason.


StarRosePink August 12, 2011 at 5:39 am

[..YouTube..] @gunbirdx HAI! You DO know YOU can find that information in the news, right? Mainly business news, lol. Everyone is talking about it, lol. On the other hand. Where are your sources? Oh yeah; the troll train. I knew it 🙂


WishCRUS4D3R August 12, 2011 at 4:16 pm

[..YouTube..] @StarRosePink We can get mad at everyone. I am just against being mad at one group and refusing to look at the mirror when it comes to ourselves.


axfndi62 August 12, 2011 at 4:21 pm

[..YouTube..] @StarRosePink why is there so much political debates on every video that has to do with race? lol


KenGold666 August 13, 2011 at 2:51 am

[..YouTube..] you’re fucken hot


gunbirdx August 13, 2011 at 9:21 am

[..YouTube..] @StarRosePink me? trolling? you’re the one talking about stupid business/politics shit when it has nothing to do with this. and i’m a business executive at a marketing firm. i read fortune and the journal regularly and most likely make more money than you do (assuming that you’re out of grade school). and go read what other people are saying to you. nobody likes you. quit trying so hard to be different. nobody likes tryhards. especially when they’re presumptuous little faggots like yourself.


StarRosePink August 13, 2011 at 12:24 pm

[..YouTube..] @gunbirdx Mad about facts? Of course you are. The USD is about to loose its position as the world’s reserve currency. That would make you so very rich in the business world. Of course I am not well liked; I tell the truth 🙂 These days, the less you have, the less you will loose. I guess you wouldn’t make much of a Christian, seeing it was Jesus who said to sell yourself out. Oh, and he loved faggots as well for who they were 🙂


Pr1ncess1ly August 13, 2011 at 1:44 pm

[..YouTube..] If she have an asian friend she isnt racist, is she only saying racist jokes to make her asian friend laugh. The thing that I dont understand why did she dare to put it online if it was a gift for her friend, and other sensitive people might find this offensive?, didnt she heard of Alexandra W.?, poor girl.


M1sterRich August 13, 2011 at 10:56 pm

[..YouTube..] Great response Heather. I am so glad I didn’t see that video. Racism of any kind is never acceptable and to have some sick individual make a video like that just defies belief.


M1sterRich August 14, 2011 at 12:56 am

[..YouTube..] Great response Heather. I am so glad I didn’t see that video. Racism of any kind is never acceptable and to have some sick individual make a video like that just defies belief.


laurenzo198 August 14, 2011 at 1:54 am

[..YouTube..] Love you babe 🙂 -3


laurenzo go August 14, 2011 at 3:54 am

[..YouTube..] Love you babe 🙂 -3


laurenzo go August 14, 2011 at 3:54 am



unorthodoxtrotsky August 14, 2011 at 6:36 am

[..YouTube..] @SeriouslyPissedOff
Stop being so fucking mindless little asshole! You actually think she will go this far to denounce that racist video with all those statistics which she prepared if she’s “acting like [she’s] actually offended”? As she pointed out if someone made similar type of videos on Black people as they painted their face black, this society would have reacted far more differently than if it was against Asians. It’s “funny” because racism against Asians are considered funny!


SeriouslyPissedOff August 14, 2011 at 9:32 am

[..YouTube..] @unorthodoxtrotsky Racist video. …Boy you don’t know a damn thing about racism. You want to see racism come over here and I’ll show you a little part of my town you’ll wish you hadn’t heard of. The girl was being stereotypical at best. You should be kneeling and thanking the lord that racism against asians is “funny”. It could be a lot fucking worse, greenboy, let me tell you that right now…I’d take a few stereotypes over mindless violence and political discrimination any day…


unorthodoxtrotsky August 14, 2011 at 10:08 am

[..YouTube..] @SeriouslyPissedOff
Problem is “few stereotypes” can develop into “mindless violence and political discrimination”! Difference of severity doesn’t disqualify the fact that it’s racism. Severity of racism is diverse and one of problematic aspect about racism against Asians is that it’s not considered as racism because it’s “funny”. You are basically choosing racism by choosing “lesser racism”. And views like this should be welcome more for sake of Asians’ future generations in this country


SeriouslyPissedOff August 14, 2011 at 10:29 am

[..YouTube..] @unorthodoxtrotsky To be honest, I knew you wouldn’t understand. And it only solidifies my point that you don’t. Perhaps an impressive ability, but I can tell you’ve had very little experience with true racism. Someone comes up to an Asian man and says “Look at my eyes, Ching chong! Haha!” He is being rude maybe, but not racist. Why? Racism means that you believe a race is inferior. This is rarely implied with stereotypes. It’s simply based of facts for often stale humor. Bad jokes /= Racism.


unorthodoxtrotsky August 14, 2011 at 12:08 pm

[..YouTube..] @SeriouslyPissedOff Problem is “few stereotypes” can develop into “mindless violence and political discrimination”! Difference of severity doesn’t disqualify the fact that it’s racism. Severity of racism is diverse and one of problematic aspect about racism against Asians is that it’s not considered as racism because it’s “funny”. You are basically choosing racism by choosing “lesser racism”. And views like this should be welcome more for sake of Asians’ future generations in this country


unorthodoxtrotsky August 14, 2011 at 8:23 pm

[..YouTube..] @SeriouslyPissedOff
I myself am Asian-American who grew up in the U.S. for more than 20 years. I may not understand your PERSONAL experiences of racism(and that also goes with your ability to understand mine) but I do understand the experiences that Asians go through in this country. I also understand why Asians are so passive and even in denial that what they are experiencing is racism. It’s true that there are cases where racial remark is simply a “bad joke”.


unorthodoxtrotsky August 14, 2011 at 8:28 pm

[..YouTube..] @SeriouslyPissedOff
But you are in denial if you think that’s the only factor behind those “jokes”. Many will make racially insulting remarks on Asians(for that matter other races as well) because Asians are dehumanized. It’s the notion that Asians’ inferiority justify their inconsideration. They may not necessarily recognize Asian person as “inferior” in extreme context the way white-supremacist does but that’s varieties of racist dehumanization.


unorthodoxtrotsky August 14, 2011 at 8:34 pm

[..YouTube..] @SeriouslyPissedOff
Your restricted notion of what “real racism” is and your downsizing racism as “bad jokes” itself indicates your in denial that those are racist and that Asians like you and I are victim of racism. This discomfort usually lead Asians to either very sensitive(even though it’s rare for Asian person to actually confront someone because of this) or this discomfort makes Asians to deny that what they are personally experiencing are racism by minimizing what racism is.


hex32808 August 14, 2011 at 11:48 pm

[..YouTube..] it’s all a joke…stop being so sensitive…who the fuck do you think you are Al Sharpton? get the fuck outta here


Frank August 15, 2011 at 2:54 am

negative stereotyping will almost always persist and is extremely difficult to to stop. One way we can nip it in the bud though is to make folks afraid to say these kinds of things for fear of reprisal. i do not mean violence, or anything of a physical nature. for those of us who were either born here or grew up here, we know what the deal is. none of this stuff isn’t what we haven ‘t been hearing since elementary school. it’s the same stuff repackaged and resold. be ready to retort verbally. might have to get a little nasty with it, but make them fear for their egos. 
heather mentioned how blacks would not get this sort of blatant treatment. that is true, but black history in the US is much different than asian history. black folks have had MUCH more vocal leadership in speaking out against this kind of thing, and it’s probably time for asians to follow suit in that regard. that’s from a macro level though. from a micro level, if you see someone making fun of your group, to you or not, find a way to see them and harp on their weakness. if not make up some, doesn’t have to be true just has to hurt their feelings. they already lowered the bar with their initial attack now it’s just time to defend. this girl’s friend obviously did not command enough respect for her to make a video like this. i highly doubt she has not made fun of asians in the presence of her friend.most of all though, gotta make yourselves care about this kind of stuff folks. whenever something like this comes up the response i see way too often is “it’s no big deal”. 


Kanata17th May 31, 2012 at 10:35 pm

blacks have been here for 400 years moron! most asians came within the last 50 years and the west coast is already under them hairy snow cavemen fear for theiir stolen land


gunbirdx August 15, 2011 at 8:03 pm

[..YouTube..] @StarRosePink hahaha really? are you seriously bringing christianity into this too? you know, people don’t like you because you’re an annoying little insect. you’re just a fuckin idiot with too much time and too little intelligence to just let this video be what it is: a girl who didn’t like how she saw certain people treating asians. god, you’re so fuckin stupid, it’s impressive.


axfndi62 August 15, 2011 at 9:08 pm

[..YouTube..] @hex32808 yea im al sharpton, what do you want?


hex32808 August 15, 2011 at 9:42 pm

[..YouTube..] @axfndi62 ummm fuck you that response was lame…put more effort in your retorts


Matthew Johnson August 16, 2011 at 7:02 am

I think Rachet is really pretty, plus she’s got a point, asian people do look weird to me like mentally retarded with down syndrome, no offense.


Frank August 16, 2011 at 10:03 pm

do you even know what down syndrome looks like? cause that’s not even a good insult.


Nike August 27, 2011 at 12:01 pm

You should be more grateful to Jerry Lewis
for hosting those telethons for you. 


Ken September 10, 2011 at 12:06 am

Can’t tell if stupid or trolling….


Fox Mulder October 15, 2011 at 12:20 pm

Coming from a pedophile cracker, I’ll take that as a compliment.


Kanata17th May 31, 2012 at 10:32 pm

white ppl look weird like fukken snow animals


Kanata17th May 31, 2012 at 10:33 pm

waitt whites look lost cavemans wit their big nose and deep eye sockets, 


roger August 12, 2012 at 10:13 am

THEN WHY ARE MOST ASIAN MEN TRYING TO GET IN TO WHITE WOMENS PANTIES ? !!!!!! Inferiority complex or INSECURITY with thier natural masculinty ?


StarRosePink August 16, 2011 at 6:09 pm

[..YouTube..] @gunbirdx Yet again, just mad at the facts. Using words like “stupid” and “faggot” are so much more intelligent. Yes, I own my words, and I meant what I said. You havent been able to keep up with the logic; so bashing is the alternative. Typical! You said the same thing that I posted, but only in different wording, then I explained that I had just wrote the same thing. If you saw that talking about other stuff was not suitable to you, then you should have just ignored it in the first place.


Richie August 20, 2011 at 2:24 am

Great response Heather. I am so glad I didn’t see that video. Racism of any kind is never acceptable and to have some sick individual make a video like that just defies belief.


kawsNeff3ct August 21, 2011 at 7:58 pm

[..YouTube..] Racism and stereotypes were originally derived by immature ignorant white folks. They find a way to hate on a particular group of race based on their actions in public, their features, and among other things. This later influences their fellow peers to think it is ok to discriminate. Joke or not, racism as a whole shouldn’t be tolerated. I would think that ANYONE with a educated mind would get pass that already but apparently as years progress, people just get more ignorant and racist.


kawsNeff3ct August 21, 2011 at 8:10 pm

[..YouTube..] I’ll go along with the statistic you’ve presented. Asian have a high percent of being unmarried/virgins? That’s because sex isnt their priority. They pursue school, work and concentrate on making a better living hence the reason their parents migrate to american in the first place. Now, blacks, hispanic along with the corny white party people only objective is to have sex with as many people as possible, start a family quick, and as a result have a low income, rely on government wages, beg for $


William X August 21, 2011 at 10:10 pm

[..YouTube..] I’ll go along with the statistic you’ve presented. Asian have a high percent of being unmarried/virgins? That’s because sex isnt their priority. They pursue school, work and concentrate on making a better living hence the reason their parents migrate to american in the first place. Now, blacks, hispanic along with the corny white party people only objective is to have sex with as many people as possible, start a family quick, and as a result have a low income, rely on government wages, beg for $


William X August 21, 2011 at 10:10 pm



MonsterSpartan September 1, 2011 at 11:06 pm

[..YouTube..] lol silver-ware


MonsterSpartan September 1, 2011 at 11:15 pm

[..YouTube..] wow that ramen noodles as cat intestines is pretty fucked up.
but the rest was funny except for the fact that silver ware makes ting and ching sounds (maybe a clerplunk here and there)
but what makes you to judge what is racist or not? you just said “getting good grades is standard” and in my mind that pretty stereotypical. not all asians get good grades. I got a “C” in math.
my point is that you can’t really judge for something your not. in this case asian
*I think all asians are horny(me)* 🙂


Henry Yu September 2, 2011 at 1:06 am

[..YouTube..] lol silver-ware


Soomp1 September 4, 2011 at 8:23 am

[..YouTube..] heather ur hot sexc time with me ; )


1reasonz September 4, 2011 at 2:24 pm

[..YouTube..] she is obviously trolling cause she was trying to teach her asian friend how to be asian lol. Your really pretty btw.


sunny Nhan September 4, 2011 at 4:24 pm

[..YouTube..] she is obviously trolling cause she was trying to teach her asian friend how to be asian lol. Your really pretty btw.


Soomp1 September 5, 2011 at 10:39 am

[..YouTube..] im a bad boy heather ; ) you know wats up


Kevin Mao September 5, 2011 at 12:39 pm

[..YouTube..] im a bad boy heather ; ) you know wats up


Zoloft77 September 7, 2011 at 11:08 pm

[..YouTube..] @SeriouslyPissedOff You got to be kidding me. Asian racism no worse than it being funny. Tell that to one poor Chinese Take-Out Delivery boy near NYC who was called, beaten dead for some cheap cash, and not even the assailants were even careful about concealing his body as they causally took his corpse out in public to a dumping ground near a park.


Zoloft77 September 7, 2011 at 11:37 pm

[..YouTube..] @unorthodoxtrotsky I still don’t get why many Asians I know (mostly Chinese and Korean) rarely stand up to this cheap jokes and racisms. I don’t want them to go apeshit over some assholes’ remarks though I suppose some asshats do get a kick out of us going berzerk. I mean something as simple as a snarky rebuttal. I done some before I can’t help how many of these jerks get all slackjawed over what I retorted.


Zoloft77 September 7, 2011 at 11:43 pm

[..YouTube..] @unorthodoxtrotsky cont’d: By their surprise, I guess that those jerks never expected a comeback from a person like myself (Actually I’m Filipino with a 1/4th Chinese ancestry); some stand looking stupid. Some get all angry like I just committed a hate crime against them. I hate to admit this, but I kinda laugh over that kind of behavior knowing someone can get all petulent and offended over a simple rebuttal any high schooler could come up with. I gives me a psychological homefield advantage.


unorthodoxtrotsky September 8, 2011 at 5:37 am

[..YouTube..] @Zoloft77
I think there are two reasons why Asians rarely stand up against these. One is they don’t want to be bothered by it because there’s already one victimization when s/he receive such insulting racist jokes and there’s another victimization when they are force to bring this negativity as admitting that they are victim of racism by confronting those jerks. I think it’s psychologically less demeaning and humiliating for them to acknowledge racist insult than confronting them.


unorthodoxtrotsky September 8, 2011 at 5:43 am

[..YouTube..] @Zoloft77
Also, let’s be honest. Unlike racism against other races, there are strong element of “humor” with racism against Asians, whether it’s their facial expression, sounds of language, name even foods… Any individual Asian’s retaliation against any racist insults are more like to increase more racist mockery than taking it more seriously. After all, there’s nothing more funnier than seeing Asian men with thick accent being angry. That’s the nature of racism against Asians.


unorthodoxtrotsky September 8, 2011 at 5:48 am

[..YouTube..] @Zoloft77
I think this is the reason(and you are right) “…though I suppose some asshats do get a kick out of us going berzerk.” I think for many Asians it’s more hurting that racism is being more escalated when they do try to stand up against it rather than when they face racist insult in first place. I think this is psychology behind some Asians who want to be more aggressively antagonistic with Asians who actually make effort to confront those racist insults than actual racist insults.


unorthodoxtrotsky September 8, 2011 at 5:51 am

[..YouTube..] @Zoloft77
I think second reason why Asians aren’t standing up against these racist insults and “jokes” are because they are not use to it. They are use to acknowleging it than standing up against it. Best way to do this is through collective action like the way Blacks and hispanics are doing. Even women are doing this against sexism but state of activism among Asians in the States is like state of activism among Blacks during early 20th Century.


unorthodoxtrotsky September 8, 2011 at 5:54 am

[..YouTube..] @Zoloft77
I for one, enjoy “racist jokes”. The key to these “racist jokes” are like roast. One is suppose to make joke about one race where even people of that race find it funny. There’s unwritten rules about these “racist jokes” and that is it’s only racism if others are laughing while people of one race that are being targetted for such jokes don’t think it’s funny. I would definitely love good “racist jokes” on Asians and there are some.


unorthodoxtrotsky September 8, 2011 at 5:56 am

[..YouTube..] @Zoloft77
But many of these “racist jokes” on Asians are taken it for granted by those who committs it because Asians rarely respond to it and there’s lack of sense about these “jokes” whether they are “jokes” or “racism” because Asians generally rarely developed tendency to stand up against it when or if they insults them. Sorry about such long reply. 🙂


SeriouslyPissedOff September 8, 2011 at 9:01 am

[..YouTube..] @Zoloft77 Explain to me exactly how that situation was fueled by racism. I could talk about the countless white/black/latino pizza boys that suffer aggravated robbery on a daily basis.


23026614 September 14, 2011 at 2:40 am

[..YouTube..] wow..i thought all whites think alike and rascists????!! you proved it wrong..! cheers.


Raj R September 14, 2011 at 4:40 am

[..YouTube..] wow..i thought all whites think alike and rascists????!! you proved it wrong..! cheers. raj


jojo12345678999 September 15, 2011 at 1:11 am

[..YouTube..] @Zoloft77 mate, no offense but its because you live in america. if i was put in that situation, id rather not risk my life for the sake of teaching some ignorant prick manners. correct me if im wrong but maybe the whole gun carrying nation thing might play a factor. alot of my asian mates dont take racism too lightheartedly and get pretty aggressive when stuff like that comes their way


jojo12345678999 September 15, 2011 at 1:15 am

[..YouTube..] @hex32808 fuck you cunt


jojo12345678999 September 15, 2011 at 1:20 am

[..YouTube..] @frankinsf it obviously wasnt a joke to some. they have every right to get mad a post their opinions. there is a fine line between a joke and racism, and that ugly bitch crossed it.


IDCbitchass September 18, 2011 at 10:13 pm

[..YouTube..] This is why nobody likes white people. They are hated and they are going extinct very soon anyways


danielchristmaslee September 19, 2011 at 11:18 am

[..YouTube..] … I haven’t watched the racist video, but from your summary, the video would be Hilarious. My favorite part is why Asian’s like ramen? … freaken hell lol cause it reminds them of cat intestines! Haha… I’m going to start using this one.


Daniel Lee September 19, 2011 at 1:18 pm

[..YouTube..] … I haven’t watched the racist video, but from your summary, the video would be Hilarious. My favorite part is why Asian’s like ramen? … freaken hell lol cause it reminds them of cat intestines! Haha… I’m going to start using this one.


Shiloh Heckman September 20, 2011 at 2:32 pm

Great response!  I saw that vid awhile back and I was pissed off then.. Like.. WTF.  I told my boyfriend about it and he just shrugged it off saying, “That’s how people are”.  It’s sad that he was so relaxed about it while I was getting all fired up.  But I am usually the more emotionally variable one in the relationship to begin with. :b  But then again.. He’s Canadian.  It’s not the same there, so his attitudes will be different… He does not care much for the States. 


Kanata17th May 31, 2012 at 10:31 pm

u canadians will be conquered also, like icing on a cake, too bad we have no use for cold weather, we will sell u to the hindus


SoCalxHeartbreaker September 20, 2011 at 8:14 pm

[..YouTube..] ATTENTION BEESHES : once you go black we don’t want you back!


Zoloft77 September 21, 2011 at 5:17 pm

[..YouTube..] @jojo12345678999 I tend to agree. There’s somewhat of an unwritten rule of doing race-related comedy….

That if you poke fun of one race at least make it known that you poke fun at all. Like Family Guy, South Park or Dave Chappelle. Maybe not Family Guy in one case where some Fox exevutives pulled one episode out of the initial airtime because they thought it would hurt their Jewish sensitivities. IMHO, it make them look like schmucks since the whole episode was written by a Semite.


malanbrandi September 24, 2011 at 2:35 pm

[..YouTube..] Your universal rewards Asian. On top of Asian participates the clone. Our fashionable anecdote advances outside wife. Asian studies within the set wrapper.


Unknown September 24, 2011 at 5:41 pm

She mentioned about her Asian female friend Jessi. This is a wake up call for Asian women who think the white society accepts Asian women.

Wake-up, all you white-boy worshipping sell-out. White women think you are just a freak.


Littlelilo420 October 5, 2011 at 5:11 am

I’m sorry, no one is a sell out for liking someone of a different race. I am a hispanic girl living in Korea. I absolutely love the men and I adore the friends, both female and male, I have made here! ^^  However, if you are referring to the obsession for western things I agree that it is unsettling. Some of my friend’s children have even told me that they want my nose or eyes, which is insane because my eyes in comparison are a lot smaller than theirs! I wish that everyone could understand the beauty of their ethnicity and others without obsessing over it or making fun of it. Personally from living here so long I definitely envy some of the great qualities that come with being asian. Pretty hair, nice skin, a youthful look for the greater part of your life, who in their right mind can’t appreciate these things right?


Matthew Johnson October 8, 2011 at 4:31 am

Be honest, korean men have small peepees???


Nike October 8, 2011 at 11:41 am

 Huh? How many money-shots did you took?
C’mon be truthful. 


Fox Mulder October 15, 2011 at 12:19 pm

Another white pedophile comes on to talk trash about penises. LOL! Time to renew your membership in NAMBLA Matthew Johnson!


Cat October 23, 2011 at 3:05 am

It seems you would know, sir, seeing that you are a dick. 


Katlyn Actis February 12, 2012 at 1:32 pm

That I know for a fact is untrue.You can’t classify anyone with one such stereotype.

1. if you really like someone it shouldn’t really matter in the first place. 
2. If that stereotype were true then ALL stereotype about genitals would be true.Therefore black guys are huge,Asian girls don’t shave etc.. but none of this is true. its all on an individual.Not a race as a collective whole.
3.and seeing as you want to know so much why don’t you date one yourself and find out? Seeing as you obviously are interested in Asian (specifically Korean) Penis.
I find guys like you honestly distasteful.


roger August 12, 2012 at 10:16 am

DENIALIST ! There’s no smoke without a fire !

Kanata17th May 31, 2012 at 10:29 pm

be honest whites have small coks also but ever smaller brains than thier testacle..


Kanata17th May 31, 2012 at 10:28 pm

idiot lets cut off the sluts to the barbarians, that way we can unitfy a deeper asian bloc and fight till the end


Amos8454564 September 25, 2011 at 3:55 am

[..YouTube..] Asian girl matures opposite Try. How does Try inspect Asian girl? Why won’t Asian girl move the pop backspace? Her simulate patience discontinues the remedy. Try fingers the thesis into the mechanical clearance. Asian girl disposes of a controller across the dispute.


buklao559 September 27, 2011 at 5:41 pm

[..YouTube..] man……..


THE1V October 1, 2011 at 5:59 pm

[..YouTube..] @SoCalxHeartbreaker dump ass it’s not about black


beautymerits October 6, 2011 at 4:54 am

[..YouTube..] I’ve been around the block and know the difference between, a good will humor and cowardly obnoxious “prank”. I wonder if I could keep my job, if I made a “fun” and good will humor about the “jewish nose”? Hell, I had a good laughing session watching Alex Wallace. Sure it was tiny bit insensative,(or naive) but I still wanted to crack open a beer and laugh and share some Asian curiousities/humor with her. When I watched that other guy, I lost all appetite(common Korean lingo) . Good channel.


eazi23 October 6, 2011 at 6:16 pm

[..YouTube..] if i ever see that bitch that was making fun of asians i will pee on her thatll make her yellow


eazi23 October 6, 2011 at 8:16 pm



harvardlaw14 October 9, 2011 at 3:45 am

[..YouTube..] I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.

— Asian American Male


harvardlaw14 October 9, 2011 at 5:36 am

[..YouTube..] I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…it’s probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.
— Asian American Male


harvardlaw14 October 9, 2011 at 5:36 am

[..YouTube..] I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.
— Asian American Male


harvardlaw14 October 9, 2011 at 5:36 am

[..YouTube..] I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.
— Asian American Male


harvardlaw14 October 9, 2011 at 5:36 am

[..YouTube..] I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.
— Asian American Male


harvardlaw14 October 9, 2011 at 5:36 am

[..YouTube..] I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.
— Asian American Male


harvardlaw14 October 9, 2011 at 5:36 am

[..YouTube..] I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.
— Asian American Male


harvardlaw14 October 9, 2011 at 5:36 am

[..YouTube..] I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.
— Asian American Male


harvardlaw14 October 9, 2011 at 5:36 am

[..YouTube..] I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.
— Asian American Male


harvardlaw14 October 9, 2011 at 5:36 am

[..YouTube..] I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.
— Asian American Male


harvardlaw14 October 9, 2011 at 5:36 am

[..YouTube..] I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.
— Asian American Male


harvardlaw14 October 9, 2011 at 5:36 am

[..YouTube..] I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.
— Asian American Male


harvardlaw14 October 9, 2011 at 5:36 am

[..YouTube..] I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.
— Asian American Male


harvardlaw14 October 9, 2011 at 5:36 am

[..YouTube..] I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.
— Asian American Male


harvardlaw14 October 9, 2011 at 5:36 am

[..YouTube..] I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.
— Asian American Male


harvardlaw14 October 9, 2011 at 5:36 am

[..YouTube..] I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.
— Asian American Male


harvardlaw14 October 9, 2011 at 5:36 am

[..YouTube..] I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.
— Asian American Male


harvardlaw14 October 9, 2011 at 6:45 am

[..YouTube..] I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.

— Asian American Male


harvardlaw14 October 9, 2011 at 6:45 am

[..YouTube..] I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.

— Asian American Male


harvardlaw14 October 9, 2011 at 6:45 am

[..YouTube..] I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.

— Asian American Male


harvardlaw14 October 9, 2011 at 6:45 am

[..YouTube..] I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.

— Asian American Male


harvardlaw14 October 9, 2011 at 6:45 am

[..YouTube..] I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.

— Asian American Male


harvardlaw14 October 9, 2011 at 6:45 am

[..YouTube..] I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.

— Asian American Male


harvardlaw14 October 9, 2011 at 6:45 am

[..YouTube..] I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.

— Asian American Male


harvardlaw14 October 9, 2011 at 6:45 am

[..YouTube..] I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.

— Asian American Male


harvardlaw14 October 9, 2011 at 6:45 am

[..YouTube..] I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.

— Asian American Male


harvardlaw14 October 9, 2011 at 6:45 am

[..YouTube..] I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.

— Asian American Male


harvardlaw14 October 9, 2011 at 6:45 am

[..YouTube..] I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.

— Asian American Male


harvardlaw14 October 9, 2011 at 6:45 am

[..YouTube..] I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.

— Asian American Male


harvardlaw14 October 9, 2011 at 6:45 am

[..YouTube..] I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.

— Asian American Male


harvardlaw14 October 9, 2011 at 6:45 am

[..YouTube..] I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.

— Asian American Male


harvardlaw14 October 9, 2011 at 6:45 am

[..YouTube..] I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.

— Asian American Male


harvardlaw14 October 9, 2011 at 6:45 am

[..YouTube..] I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.

— Asian American Male


AsianAmericanMale October 9, 2011 at 10:44 am

I don’t really think the video is that big of a deal…probably just an internet troll…but you’re definitely really hot…I would totally date you.


roger August 12, 2012 at 10:20 am

SORRY ! She only dates NATURAL & Fucks Real masculine men like blacks, and other races ! NOT Oestrogen filled, feminine featured small dicks like you ! The only non asian women (mostly white) who HAVE/ARE/ & WILL DATE your kind are either Bisexual or Nearbisexual women (attracted to feminine featured men – Asians !)


betryke5 October 15, 2011 at 3:47 pm

[..YouTube..] come to new jersey and ill gladly show you how there are way more important things than to talk about asian people like italians for example
i think u need to travel california a little more often


betryke5 October 15, 2011 at 5:47 pm

[..YouTube..] come to new jersey and ill gladly show you how there are way more important things than to talk about asian people like italians for example i think u need to travel california a little more often


betryke5 October 15, 2011 at 6:47 pm

[..YouTube..] come to new jersey and ill gladly show you how there are way more important things than to talk about asian people like italians for example
i think u need to travel california a little more often


betryke5 October 15, 2011 at 6:47 pm

[..YouTube..] come to new jersey and ill gladly show you how there are way more important things than to talk about asian people like italians for example
i think u need to travel california a little more often


betryke5 October 15, 2011 at 6:47 pm

[..YouTube..] come to new jersey and ill gladly show you how there are way more important things than to talk about asian people like italians for example
i think u need to travel california a little more often


betryke5 October 15, 2011 at 6:47 pm

[..YouTube..] come to new jersey and ill gladly show you how there are way more important things than to talk about asian people like italians for example
i think u need to travel california a little more often


betryke5 October 15, 2011 at 6:47 pm

[..YouTube..] come to new jersey and ill gladly show you how there are way more important things than to talk about asian people like italians for example
i think u need to travel california a little more often


betryke5 October 15, 2011 at 6:47 pm

[..YouTube..] come to new jersey and ill gladly show you how there are way more important things than to talk about asian people like italians for example
i think u need to travel california a little more often


betryke5 October 15, 2011 at 6:47 pm

[..YouTube..] come to new jersey and ill gladly show you how there are way more important things than to talk about asian people like italians for example
i think u need to travel california a little more often


betryke5 October 15, 2011 at 6:47 pm

[..YouTube..] come to new jersey and ill gladly show you how there are way more important things than to talk about asian people like italians for example
i think u need to travel california a little more often


betryke5 October 15, 2011 at 6:47 pm

[..YouTube..] come to new jersey and ill gladly show you how there are way more important things than to talk about asian people like italians for example
i think u need to travel california a little more often


betryke5 October 15, 2011 at 6:47 pm

[..YouTube..] come to new jersey and ill gladly show you how there are way more important things than to talk about asian people like italians for example
i think u need to travel california a little more often


betryke5 October 15, 2011 at 6:47 pm

[..YouTube..] come to new jersey and ill gladly show you how there are way more important things than to talk about asian people like italians for example
i think u need to travel california a little more often


betryke5 October 15, 2011 at 6:47 pm

[..YouTube..] come to new jersey and ill gladly show you how there are way more important things than to talk about asian people like italians for example
i think u need to travel california a little more often


betryke5 October 15, 2011 at 6:47 pm

[..YouTube..] come to new jersey and ill gladly show you how there are way more important things than to talk about asian people like italians for example
i think u need to travel california a little more often


betryke5 October 15, 2011 at 6:47 pm

[..YouTube..] come to new jersey and ill gladly show you how there are way more important things than to talk about asian people like italians for example
i think u need to travel california a little more often


betryke5 October 15, 2011 at 6:47 pm

[..YouTube..] come to new jersey and ill gladly show you how there are way more important things than to talk about asian people like italians for example
i think u need to travel california a little more often


betryke5 October 15, 2011 at 6:47 pm

[..YouTube..] come to new jersey and ill gladly show you how there are way more important things than to talk about asian people like italians for example
i think u need to travel california a little more often


betryke5 October 15, 2011 at 6:47 pm

[..YouTube..] come to new jersey and ill gladly show you how there are way more important things than to talk about asian people like italians for example
i think u need to travel california a little more often


betryke5 October 15, 2011 at 6:47 pm

[..YouTube..] come to new jersey and ill gladly show you how there are way more important things than to talk about asian people like italians for example
i think u need to travel california a little more often


betryke5 October 15, 2011 at 6:47 pm

[..YouTube..] come to new jersey and ill gladly show you how there are way more important things than to talk about asian people like italians for example
i think u need to travel california a little more often


betryke5 October 15, 2011 at 6:47 pm

[..YouTube..] come to new jersey and ill gladly show you how there are way more important things than to talk about asian people like italians for example
i think u need to travel california a little more often


betryke5 October 15, 2011 at 6:47 pm

[..YouTube..] come to new jersey and ill gladly show you how there are way more important things than to talk about asian people like italians for example
i think u need to travel california a little more often


betryke5 October 15, 2011 at 6:47 pm

[..YouTube..] come to new jersey and ill gladly show you how there are way more important things than to talk about asian people like italians for example
i think u need to travel california a little more often


betryke5 October 15, 2011 at 6:47 pm

[..YouTube..] come to new jersey and ill gladly show you how there are way more important things than to talk about asian people like italians for example
i think u need to travel california a little more often


deleoa471 October 16, 2011 at 11:19 am

[..YouTube..] lol what is up with you gooks talking shit about blacks huh? wtf we ever done to you ?


Thebadest October 16, 2011 at 1:19 pm

[..YouTube..] lol what is up with you gooks talking shit about blacks huh? wtf we ever done to you ?


deleoa471 October 16, 2011 at 2:19 pm

[..YouTube..] lol what is up with you gooks talking shit about blacks huh? wtf we ever done to you ?


deleoa471 October 16, 2011 at 2:19 pm

[..YouTube..] lol what is up with you gooks talking shit about blacks huh? wtf we ever done to you ?


deleoa471 October 16, 2011 at 2:19 pm

[..YouTube..] lol what is up with you gooks talking shit about blacks huh? wtf we ever done to you ?


deleoa471 October 16, 2011 at 2:19 pm

[..YouTube..] lol what is up with you gooks talking shit about blacks huh? wtf we ever done to you ?


deleoa471 October 16, 2011 at 2:19 pm

[..YouTube..] lol what is up with you gooks talking shit about blacks huh? wtf we ever done to you ?


deleoa471 October 16, 2011 at 2:19 pm

[..YouTube..] lol what is up with you gooks talking shit about blacks huh? wtf we ever done to you ?


deleoa471 October 16, 2011 at 2:19 pm

[..YouTube..] lol what is up with you gooks talking shit about blacks huh? wtf we ever done to you ?


deleoa471 October 16, 2011 at 2:19 pm

[..YouTube..] lol what is up with you gooks talking shit about blacks huh? wtf we ever done to you ?


deleoa471 October 16, 2011 at 2:19 pm

[..YouTube..] lol what is up with you gooks talking shit about blacks huh? wtf we ever done to you ?


deleoa471 October 16, 2011 at 2:19 pm

[..YouTube..] lol what is up with you gooks talking shit about blacks huh? wtf we ever done to you ?


deleoa471 October 16, 2011 at 2:19 pm

[..YouTube..] lol what is up with you gooks talking shit about blacks huh? wtf we ever done to you ?


deleoa471 October 16, 2011 at 2:19 pm

[..YouTube..] lol what is up with you gooks talking shit about blacks huh? wtf we ever done to you ?


deleoa471 October 16, 2011 at 2:19 pm

[..YouTube..] lol what is up with you gooks talking shit about blacks huh? wtf we ever done to you ?


deleoa471 October 16, 2011 at 2:19 pm

[..YouTube..] lol what is up with you gooks talking shit about blacks huh? wtf we ever done to you ?


deleoa471 October 16, 2011 at 2:19 pm

[..YouTube..] lol what is up with you gooks talking shit about blacks huh? wtf we ever done to you ? 


deleoa471 October 16, 2011 at 2:19 pm

[..YouTube..] lol what is up with you gooks talking shit about blacks huh? wtf we ever done to you ?


deleoa471 October 16, 2011 at 2:19 pm

[..YouTube..] lol what is up with you gooks talking shit about blacks huh? wtf we ever done to you ?


deleoa471 October 16, 2011 at 2:19 pm

[..YouTube..] lol what is up with you gooks talking shit about blacks huh? wtf we ever done to you ?


Cat October 23, 2011 at 3:04 am

I feel sorry for the girl who posted the video (not Heather’s re:).

She seems to be suffering from malaligned body functioning because her mouth and anus seemed to have switched, seeing that all she’s spewing is utter shit.

Her mind must be dysfunctional as well. Poor girl.

PS JT Tran, you, sir, are a sexy beast and I secretly have a crush on you. Let’s all end such outdated racism once  and for all, shall we?


JT Tran October 24, 2011 at 6:56 am

LOL, thanks doll! You can add me on Facebook 🙂


Cat November 29, 2011 at 10:44 am

I’m sorry I don’t have one. ;.;

Besides, you seem like the type who’s pretty busy…

*coughouraviecough* XD


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 7:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.
Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.
Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”
You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!
Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 9:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 9:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! :D


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 9:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 9:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 9:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 10:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.
Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.
Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”
You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!
Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 10:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.
Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.
Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”
You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!
Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 10:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.
Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.
Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”
You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!
Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 10:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.
Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.
Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”
You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!
Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 10:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.
Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.
Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”
You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!
Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 10:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.
Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.
Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”
You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!
Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 10:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.
Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.
Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”
You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!
Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 10:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.
Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.
Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”
You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!
Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 10:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.
Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.
Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”
You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!
Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 10:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.
Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.
Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”
You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!
Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 10:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.
Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.
Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”
You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!
Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 10:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.
Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.
Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”
You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!
Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 10:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.
Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.
Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”
You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!
Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 10:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.
Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.
Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”
You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!
Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 10:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.
Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.
Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”
You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!
Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 10:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.
Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.
Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”
You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!
Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 10:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.
Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.
Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”
You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!
Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 10:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.
Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.
Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”
You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!
Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 10:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.
Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.
Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”
You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!
Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 10:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.
Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.
Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”
You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!
Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 10:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.
Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.
Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”
You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!
Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 10:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.
Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.
Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”
You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!
Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 10:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.
Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.
Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”
You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!
Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 10:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.
Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.
Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”
You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!
Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 10:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.
Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.
Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”
You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!
Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 10:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.
Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.
Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”
You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!
Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 10:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.
Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.
Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”
You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!
Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 10:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.
Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.
Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”
You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!
Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


nobodygetsmyusername October 25, 2011 at 10:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Racist? Lol nah I’m Asian and I didn’t find the video offensive at all.
Maybe she meant it as a joke? I dunno but I really don’t care.
Trust me, it’s definitely not as bad as the racist shit coming from Australians down here where rednecks go “Fuck asians! them stinky slanty-eyed gooks, fuck off Australia’s full!”
You Asian Americans should feel very lucky you’re being treated better over there than here. But hey, I’d respect an American over an Australian any day!
Oh yeah and Heather’s hot! 😀


will3710 October 29, 2011 at 7:59 pm

[..YouTube..] I find that you are correct on many points — BUT GOD ARE YOU DEPRESSING. You should make some more positive affirmations about Asians instead of spewing negative facts.


will3710 October 29, 2011 at 9:59 pm

[..YouTube..] I find that you are correct on many points — BUT GOD ARE YOU DEPRESSING. You should make some more positive affirmations about Asians instead of spewing negative facts.


will3710 October 29, 2011 at 9:59 pm

[..YouTube..] I find that you are correct on many points — BUT GOD ARE YOU DEPRESSING. You should make some more positive affirmations about Asians instead of spewing negative facts.


will3710 October 29, 2011 at 9:59 pm

[..YouTube..] I find that you are correct on many points — BUT GOD ARE YOU DEPRESSING. You should make some more positive affirmations about Asians instead of spewing negative facts.


will3710 October 29, 2011 at 10:59 pm

[..YouTube..] I find that you are correct on many points — BUT GOD ARE YOU DEPRESSING. You should make some more positive affirmations about Asians instead of spewing negative facts.


will3710 October 29, 2011 at 10:59 pm

[..YouTube..] I find that you are correct on many points — BUT GOD ARE YOU DEPRESSING. You should make some more positive affirmations about Asians instead of spewing negative facts.


will3710 October 29, 2011 at 10:59 pm

[..YouTube..] I find that you are correct on many points — BUT GOD ARE YOU DEPRESSING. You should make some more positive affirmations about Asians instead of spewing negative facts.


will3710 October 29, 2011 at 10:59 pm

[..YouTube..] I find that you are correct on many points — BUT GOD ARE YOU DEPRESSING. You should make some more positive affirmations about Asians instead of spewing negative facts.


will3710 October 29, 2011 at 10:59 pm

[..YouTube..] I find that you are correct on many points — BUT GOD ARE YOU DEPRESSING. You should make some more positive affirmations about Asians instead of spewing negative facts.


will3710 October 29, 2011 at 10:59 pm

[..YouTube..] I find that you are correct on many points — BUT GOD ARE YOU DEPRESSING. You should make some more positive affirmations about Asians instead of spewing negative facts.


will3710 October 29, 2011 at 10:59 pm

[..YouTube..] I find that you are correct on many points — BUT GOD ARE YOU DEPRESSING. You should make some more positive affirmations about Asians instead of spewing negative facts.


will3710 October 29, 2011 at 10:59 pm

[..YouTube..] I find that you are correct on many points — BUT GOD ARE YOU DEPRESSING. You should make some more positive affirmations about Asians instead of spewing negative facts.


will3710 October 29, 2011 at 10:59 pm

[..YouTube..] I find that you are correct on many points — BUT GOD ARE YOU DEPRESSING. You should make some more positive affirmations about Asians instead of spewing negative facts.


will3710 October 29, 2011 at 10:59 pm

[..YouTube..] I find that you are correct on many points — BUT GOD ARE YOU DEPRESSING. You should make some more positive affirmations about Asians instead of spewing negative facts.


will3710 October 29, 2011 at 10:59 pm

[..YouTube..] I find that you are correct on many points — BUT GOD ARE YOU DEPRESSING. You should make some more positive affirmations about Asians instead of spewing negative facts.


will3710 October 29, 2011 at 10:59 pm

[..YouTube..] I find that you are correct on many points — BUT GOD ARE YOU DEPRESSING. You should make some more positive affirmations about Asians instead of spewing negative facts.


will3710 October 29, 2011 at 10:59 pm

[..YouTube..] I find that you are correct on many points — BUT GOD ARE YOU DEPRESSING. You should make some more positive affirmations about Asians instead of spewing negative facts.


will3710 October 29, 2011 at 10:59 pm

[..YouTube..] I find that you are correct on many points — BUT GOD ARE YOU DEPRESSING. You should make some more positive affirmations about Asians instead of spewing negative facts.


will3710 October 29, 2011 at 10:59 pm

[..YouTube..] I find that you are correct on many points — BUT GOD ARE YOU DEPRESSING. You should make some more positive affirmations about Asians instead of spewing negative facts.


will3710 October 29, 2011 at 10:59 pm

[..YouTube..] I find that you are correct on many points — BUT GOD ARE YOU DEPRESSING. You should make some more positive affirmations about Asians instead of spewing negative facts.


will3710 October 29, 2011 at 10:59 pm

[..YouTube..] I find that you are correct on many points — BUT GOD ARE YOU DEPRESSING. You should make some more positive affirmations about Asians instead of spewing negative facts.


will3710 October 29, 2011 at 10:59 pm

[..YouTube..] I find that you are correct on many points — BUT GOD ARE YOU DEPRESSING. You should make some more positive affirmations about Asians instead of spewing negative facts.


will3710 October 29, 2011 at 10:59 pm

[..YouTube..] I find that you are correct on many points — BUT GOD ARE YOU DEPRESSING. You should make some more positive affirmations about Asians instead of spewing negative facts.


will3710 October 29, 2011 at 10:59 pm

[..YouTube..] I find that you are correct on many points — BUT GOD ARE YOU DEPRESSING. You should make some more positive affirmations about Asians instead of spewing negative facts.


will3710 October 29, 2011 at 10:59 pm

[..YouTube..] I find that you are correct on many points — BUT GOD ARE YOU DEPRESSING. You should make some more positive affirmations about Asians instead of spewing negative facts.


will3710 October 29, 2011 at 10:59 pm

[..YouTube..] I find that you are correct on many points — BUT GOD ARE YOU DEPRESSING. You should make some more positive affirmations about Asians instead of spewing negative facts.


balisong209 October 30, 2011 at 8:52 pm

[..YouTube..] becuhz asian ppl r moar chilled i guess and dont get offended too quickly . and the video was kinda funny until she said cat intestines.


balisong209 October 30, 2011 at 10:52 pm

[..YouTube..] becuhz asian ppl r moar chilled i guess and dont get offended too quickly . and the video was kinda funny until she said cat intestines.


balisong209 October 30, 2011 at 10:52 pm

[..YouTube..] becuhz asian ppl r moar chilled i guess and dont get offended too quickly . and the video was kinda funny until she said cat intestines.


balisong209 October 30, 2011 at 10:52 pm



balisong209 October 30, 2011 at 11:52 pm

[..YouTube..] becuhz asian ppl r moar chilled i guess and dont get offended too quickly . and the video was kinda funny until she said cat intestines.


balisong209 October 30, 2011 at 11:52 pm

[..YouTube..] becuhz asian ppl r moar chilled i guess and dont get offended too quickly . and the video was kinda funny until she said cat intestines.


balisong209 October 30, 2011 at 11:52 pm

[..YouTube..] becuhz asian ppl r moar chilled i guess and dont get offended too quickly . and the video was kinda funny until she said cat intestines.


balisong209 October 30, 2011 at 11:52 pm

[..YouTube..] becuhz asian ppl r moar chilled i guess and dont get offended too quickly . and the video was kinda funny until she said cat intestines.


balisong209 October 30, 2011 at 11:52 pm

[..YouTube..] becuhz asian ppl r moar chilled i guess and dont get offended too quickly . and the video was kinda funny until she said cat intestines.


balisong209 October 30, 2011 at 11:52 pm

[..YouTube..] becuhz asian ppl r moar chilled i guess and dont get offended too quickly . and the video was kinda funny until she said cat intestines.


balisong209 October 30, 2011 at 11:52 pm

[..YouTube..] becuhz asian ppl r moar chilled i guess and dont get offended too quickly . and the video was kinda funny until she said cat intestines.


balisong209 October 30, 2011 at 11:52 pm

[..YouTube..] becuhz asian ppl r moar chilled i guess and dont get offended too quickly . and the video was kinda funny until she said cat intestines.


balisong209 October 30, 2011 at 11:52 pm

[..YouTube..] becuhz asian ppl r moar chilled i guess and dont get offended too quickly . and the video was kinda funny until she said cat intestines.


balisong209 October 30, 2011 at 11:52 pm

[..YouTube..] becuhz asian ppl r moar chilled i guess and dont get offended too quickly . and the video was kinda funny until she said cat intestines.


balisong209 October 30, 2011 at 11:52 pm

[..YouTube..] becuhz asian ppl r moar chilled i guess and dont get offended too quickly . and the video was kinda funny until she said cat intestines.


balisong209 October 30, 2011 at 11:52 pm

[..YouTube..] becuhz asian ppl r moar chilled i guess and dont get offended too quickly . and the video was kinda funny until she said cat intestines.


balisong209 October 30, 2011 at 11:52 pm

[..YouTube..] becuhz asian ppl r moar chilled i guess and dont get offended too quickly .  and the video was kinda funny until she said cat intestines.


balisong209 October 30, 2011 at 11:52 pm

[..YouTube..] becuhz asian ppl r moar chilled i guess and dont get offended too quickly . and the video was kinda funny until she said cat intestines.


balisong209 October 30, 2011 at 11:52 pm

[..YouTube..] becuhz asian ppl r moar chilled i guess and dont get offended too quickly . and the video was kinda funny until she said cat intestines.


balisong209 October 30, 2011 at 11:52 pm

[..YouTube..] becuhz asian ppl r moar chilled i guess and dont get offended too quickly . and the video was kinda funny until she said cat intestines. 


balisong209 October 30, 2011 at 11:52 pm

[..YouTube..] becuhz asian ppl r moar chilled i guess and dont get offended too quickly . and the video was kinda funny until she said cat intestines.


balisong209 October 30, 2011 at 11:52 pm

[..YouTube..] becuhz asian ppl r moar chilled i guess and dont get offended too quickly . and the video was kinda funny until she said cat intestines.


balisong209 October 30, 2011 at 11:52 pm

[..YouTube..] becuhz asian ppl r moar chilled i guess and dont get offended too quickly . and the video was kinda funny until she said cat intestines.


balisong209 October 30, 2011 at 11:52 pm

[..YouTube..] becuhz asian ppl r moar chilled i guess and dont get offended too quickly . and the video was kinda funny until she said cat intestines.


balisong209 October 30, 2011 at 11:52 pm

[..YouTube..] becuhz asian ppl r moar chilled i guess and dont get offended too quickly . and the video was kinda funny until she said cat intestines.


balisong209 October 30, 2011 at 11:52 pm

[..YouTube..] becuhz asian ppl r moar chilled i guess and dont get offended too quickly . and the video was kinda funny until she said cat intestines.


kuangdan November 3, 2011 at 12:27 am

Is this racist activity against asians prevalent in Western European countries such as in Spain?  Here is an image of the Spanish Basketball team mocking stereotypical asian eyes. 


Aspiring Guitarist December 29, 2011 at 6:38 pm

oh, what i wouldn’t give to do a Spanish fly/spanish eyes caricature photo. along with pick your [stereotype passion].


Kanata17th May 31, 2012 at 10:27 pm

spics have the iqs of a fukken taco


Kanata17th May 31, 2012 at 10:27 pm

the spanish barbarians will lose thier rich amazonian basin, we need it to grow rice,,,,they cant do shiet once we bring the usa down to the gutter


sayyid14 November 7, 2011 at 11:21 pm

[..YouTube..] Virgin is symbol of Gud Female,free sex is not our culture


sayyid14 November 8, 2011 at 12:21 am

[..YouTube..] Virgin is symbol of Gud Female,free sex is not our culture


Sayyid Muhammad November 8, 2011 at 12:21 am

[..YouTube..] Virgin is symbol of Gud Female,free sex is not our culture


Sayyid Muhammad November 8, 2011 at 12:21 am

[..YouTube..] Virgin is symbol of Gud Female,free sex is not our culture


Sayyid Muhammad November 8, 2011 at 12:21 am

[..YouTube..] Virgin is symbol of Gud Female,free sex is not our culture


Sayyid Muhammad November 8, 2011 at 12:21 am

[..YouTube..] Virgin is symbol of Gud Female,free sex is not our culture


sayyid14 November 8, 2011 at 1:21 am

[..YouTube..] Virgin is symbol of Gud Female,free sex is not our culture


sayyid14 November 8, 2011 at 1:21 am

[..YouTube..] Virgin is symbol of Gud Female,free sex is not our culture


sayyid14 November 8, 2011 at 1:21 am

[..YouTube..] Virgin is symbol of Gud Female,free sex is not our culture


sayyid14 November 8, 2011 at 1:21 am

[..YouTube..] Virgin is symbol of Gud Female,free sex is not our culture


sayyid14 November 8, 2011 at 1:21 am

[..YouTube..] Virgin is symbol of Gud Female,free sex is not our culture


sayyid14 November 8, 2011 at 1:21 am

[..YouTube..] Virgin is symbol of Gud Female,free sex is not our culture


sayyid14 November 8, 2011 at 1:21 am

[..YouTube..] Virgin is symbol of Gud Female,free sex is not our culture


sayyid14 November 8, 2011 at 1:21 am

[..YouTube..] Virgin is symbol of Gud Female,free sex is not our culture


sayyid14 November 8, 2011 at 1:21 am

[..YouTube..] Virgin is symbol of Gud Female,free sex is not our culture


sayyid14 November 8, 2011 at 1:21 am

[..YouTube..] Virgin is symbol of Gud Female,free sex is not our culture


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 2:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 2:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


WishCRUS4D3R November 19, 2011 at 3:14 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 Strawman. Look at the comment again I was talking about Americas history of extreme aggression against other nations. Americans who are paranoid about the ‘Chinese threat’ need to look at themselves in the mirror first. Now go have a cry boy.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am

[..YouTube..] A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:18 am



Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 3:21 am

[..YouTube..] I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


WishCRUS4D3R November 19, 2011 at 4:14 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 Strawman. Look at the comment again I was talking about Americas history of extreme aggression against other nations. Americans who are paranoid about the ‘Chinese threat’ need to look at themselves in the mirror first. Now go have a cry boy.


WishCRUS4D3R November 19, 2011 at 4:14 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 Strawman. Look at the comment again I was talking about Americas history of extreme aggression against other nations. Americans who are paranoid about the ‘Chinese threat’ need to look at themselves in the mirror first. Now go have a cry boy.


WishCRUS4D3R November 19, 2011 at 4:14 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 Strawman. Look at the comment again I was talking about Americas history of extreme aggression against other nations. Americans who are paranoid about the ‘Chinese threat’ need to look at themselves in the mirror first. Now go have a cry boy.


WishCRUS4D3R November 19, 2011 at 4:14 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 Strawman. Look at the comment again I was talking about Americas history of extreme aggression against other nations. Americans who are paranoid about the ‘Chinese threat’ need to look at themselves in the mirror first. Now go have a cry boy.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:18 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R A bit late here to the argument but your statement that the US’s treats other people worse than how China ranks as probably one of most fucking clueless comments on Youtube. There are millions of the people who the US you allege treats worse who live in the US and many of them actually go on to be quite successful in that country. (The President of the US being one of them) I’m sure the China hasn’t committed any crimes which is why 24+ million North Koreans are living in poverty


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 4:21 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 I mean don’t get me wrong or anything, I know from first hand experience that the US is far from perfect especially when it comes to issues of dealing with ethnic/racial minorities. But it’s borderline bloody insanity that the issues the US (or any other western country for that matter) has in dealing with ethnic/racial minorities can somehow rank worse than how ethnic/racial minorities are dealt with in China (or East Asian countries in general)


WishCRUS4D3R November 19, 2011 at 5:14 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 Strawman. Look at the comment again I was talking about Americas history of extreme aggression against other nations. Americans who are paranoid about the ‘Chinese threat’ need to look at themselves in the mirror first. Now go have a cry boy.


WishCRUS4D3R November 19, 2011 at 5:14 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 Strawman. Look at the comment again I was talking about Americas history of extreme aggression against other nations. Americans who are paranoid about the ‘Chinese threat’ need to look at themselves in the mirror first. Now go have a cry boy.


WishCRUS4D3R November 19, 2011 at 5:14 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 Strawman. Look at the comment again I was talking about Americas history of extreme aggression against other nations. Americans who are paranoid about the ‘Chinese threat’ need to look at themselves in the mirror first. Now go have a cry boy.


WishCRUS4D3R November 19, 2011 at 5:14 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 Strawman. Look at the comment again I was talking about Americas history of extreme aggression against other nations. Americans who are paranoid about the ‘Chinese threat’ need to look at themselves in the mirror first. Now go have a cry boy.


WishCRUS4D3R November 19, 2011 at 5:14 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 Strawman. Look at the comment again I was talking about Americas history of extreme aggression against other nations. Americans who are paranoid about the ‘Chinese threat’ need to look at themselves in the mirror first. Now go have a cry boy.


WishCRUS4D3R November 19, 2011 at 5:14 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 Strawman. Look at the comment again I was talking about Americas history of extreme aggression against other nations. Americans who are paranoid about the ‘Chinese threat’ need to look at themselves in the mirror first. Now go have a cry boy.


WishCRUS4D3R November 19, 2011 at 5:14 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 Strawman. Look at the comment again I was talking about Americas history of extreme aggression against other nations. Americans who are paranoid about the ‘Chinese threat’ need to look at themselves in the mirror first. Now go have a cry boy.


WishCRUS4D3R November 19, 2011 at 5:14 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 Strawman. Look at the comment again I was talking about Americas history of extreme aggression against other nations. Americans who are paranoid about the ‘Chinese threat’ need to look at themselves in the mirror first. Now go have a cry boy.


WishCRUS4D3R November 19, 2011 at 5:14 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 Strawman. Look at the comment again I was talking about Americas history of extreme aggression against other nations. Americans who are paranoid about the ‘Chinese threat’ need to look at themselves in the mirror first. Now go have a cry boy.


WishCRUS4D3R November 19, 2011 at 5:14 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 Strawman. Look at the comment again I was talking about Americas history of extreme aggression against other nations. Americans who are paranoid about the ‘Chinese threat’ need to look at themselves in the mirror first. Now go have a cry boy.


WishCRUS4D3R November 19, 2011 at 5:14 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 Strawman. Look at the comment again I was talking about Americas history of extreme aggression against other nations. Americans who are paranoid about the ‘Chinese threat’ need to look at themselves in the mirror first. Now go have a cry boy.


WishCRUS4D3R November 19, 2011 at 5:14 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 Strawman. Look at the comment again I was talking about Americas history of extreme aggression against other nations. Americans who are paranoid about the ‘Chinese threat’ need to look at themselves in the mirror first. Now go have a cry boy.


WishCRUS4D3R November 19, 2011 at 5:14 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 Strawman. Look at the comment again I was talking about Americas history of extreme aggression against other nations. Americans who are paranoid about the ‘Chinese threat’ need to look at themselves in the mirror first. Now go have a cry boy.


WishCRUS4D3R November 19, 2011 at 5:14 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 Strawman. Look at the comment again I was talking about Americas history of extreme aggression against other nations. Americans who are paranoid about the ‘Chinese threat’ need to look at themselves in the mirror first. Now go have a cry boy.


WishCRUS4D3R November 19, 2011 at 5:14 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 Strawman. Look at the comment again I was talking about Americas history of extreme aggression against other nations. Americans who are paranoid about the ‘Chinese threat’ need to look at themselves in the mirror first. Now go have a cry boy.


WishCRUS4D3R November 19, 2011 at 5:14 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 Strawman. Look at the comment again I was talking about Americas history of extreme aggression against other nations. Americans who are paranoid about the ‘Chinese threat’ need to look at themselves in the mirror first. Now go have a cry boy.


WishCRUS4D3R November 19, 2011 at 5:14 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 Strawman. Look at the comment again I was talking about Americas history of extreme aggression against other nations. Americans who are paranoid about the ‘Chinese threat’ need to look at themselves in the mirror first. Now go have a cry boy.


WishCRUS4D3R November 19, 2011 at 5:14 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 Strawman. Look at the comment again I was talking about Americas history of extreme aggression against other nations. Americans who are paranoid about the ‘Chinese threat’ need to look at themselves in the mirror first. Now go have a cry boy.


WishCRUS4D3R November 19, 2011 at 5:14 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 Strawman. Look at the comment again I was talking about Americas history of extreme aggression against other nations. Americans who are paranoid about the ‘Chinese threat’ need to look at themselves in the mirror first. Now go have a cry boy.


WishCRUS4D3R November 19, 2011 at 5:14 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 Strawman. Look at the comment again I was talking about Americas history of extreme aggression against other nations. Americans who are paranoid about the ‘Chinese threat’ need to look at themselves in the mirror first. Now go have a cry boy.


WishCRUS4D3R November 19, 2011 at 5:14 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 Strawman. Look at the comment again I was talking about Americas history of extreme aggression against other nations. Americans who are paranoid about the ‘Chinese threat’ need to look at themselves in the mirror first. Now go have a cry boy.


WishCRUS4D3R November 19, 2011 at 5:14 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 Strawman. Look at the comment again I was talking about Americas history of extreme aggression against other nations. Americans who are paranoid about the ‘Chinese threat’ need to look at themselves in the mirror first. Now go have a cry boy.


WishCRUS4D3R November 19, 2011 at 5:14 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 Strawman. Look at the comment again I was talking about Americas history of extreme aggression against other nations. Americans who are paranoid about the ‘Chinese threat’ need to look at themselves in the mirror first. Now go have a cry boy.


WishCRUS4D3R November 19, 2011 at 5:14 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 Strawman. Look at the comment again I was talking about Americas history of extreme aggression against other nations. Americans who are paranoid about the ‘Chinese threat’ need to look at themselves in the mirror first. Now go have a cry boy.


WishCRUS4D3R November 19, 2011 at 5:14 am

[..YouTube..] @Rocketeer1001 Strawman. Look at the comment again I was talking about Americas history of extreme aggression against other nations. Americans who are paranoid about the ‘Chinese threat’ need to look at themselves in the mirror first. Now go have a cry boy.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 11:31 am

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] @WishCRUS4D3R No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.


Rocketeer1001 November 19, 2011 at 12:31 pm

[..YouTube..] No you clueless dumbass. You talked about the States’ hatred of racial minorities as well as its foreign policy as being worse than that of China’s which are both of the things I talked about in my post. (Hence the North Korean issue) You’re suggestion that Americans are paranoid about the “Chinese threat” is borderline hysterical coming from a Communist Chinazi anti-Western drivelling moron like yourself.
