Hello there! Huggable Heather here!
Usually, I write about topics that generally apply to women or Asian men that like White women (as I am a writer for AMWW Magazine, this more or less makes sense). Today, though, I’m here to tell you about my experiences leading up to and during an ABCs of Attraction bootcamp and how I felt about it as a woman and an Asian male aficionado.
When JT Tran, the Asian Dating Coach, told me I would be joining them for the June Los Angeles PUA bootcamp, I was a little unsure as to what would go down. While I have been working for him on various projects and websites since November 2010 (mostly just writing), I was still fuzzy on the clientele, the community, and the overall goals of ABCs Of Attraction. I knew it wasn’t a scam, but at the same time I didn’t know what to expect.
I thought about what people had said to me in the past about my work:
- Many people asked me if I liked working for a company that promoted the “whoring out” of Asian men.
- Girls frequently commented that I was selling out my gender.
- Many of my male Asian friends thought that the ABCs of Attraction PUA bootcamp was a scam.
- One guy in particular would ask where ABCs of Attraction HQ was so he could physically sabotage the office or hurt JT himself!
I was appalled that so many people were against someone that not only helped Asian men out but helped me when I needed employment!
I kept quiet about my work, saying I wrote for some vague website when asked what I did for a living. It wasn’t that I was embarrrassed, because I really do love my job, but it was complicated to explain, especially when I knew so little.
Personally, I didn’t want to let other people influence my opinions, so I thought for quite some time about what I believed about the program. I decided that all I could really infer from my limited experiences with ABCs of Attraction was from what I had seen for my own eyes and there was no way I could tell if a PUA bootcamp was a scam or not unless I had actually seen it first hand.
First of all, I knew that ABCs of Attraction PUA Bootcamp wasn’t like any other program. What the other PUA programs were like I wasn’t sure, but I knew that they all carry the stigmas of sex-mongering cavemen or were scam artists. I figured that, since I had been in contact with JT for some time and knew that his clientele were the Asian men I love dating, they couldn’t be in the same category as the conniving, manipulative men they were made out to be.
Secondly, I figured that the men that took these programs were going to be…well, unattractive. Going in, I had these assumptions:
- I imagined balding, dorky men that screamed “I NEED HELP” just by looking at them.
- I expected to help these men dress themselves, do their hair, tell them to get contacts and to brush their teeth.
- I figured that I would be doing most of the talking to the women during the clubs.
- I assumed that they would get scared and run away.
- That I would have to essentially drag them into a conversation with the girls they very much wanted to be with.
- I was prepared for a lot of teeth-pulling, as I assumed that would be easier than getting these guys to talk to the women.
I was under the impression that this PUA bootcamp was, quite frankly, their last hope.
Lastly, I expected them to be unbearable. I thought I would be ecstatic to leave each day, knowing full well I had to deal with these goofy dorks again, trying to touch me with their clammy hands and fumbling with their pick up lines. I was certain one of them would have asthma and use his inhaler during awkward silences.
I was told to bring a notebook and pay attention but I thought I would be so mind-numbingly BORED that I packed a Nintendo DS just in case (yeah, I’m pretty nerdy myself).
- So, how did it turn out?
- Was I right about these men?
- Did they learn how to manipulate women into having wild, steamy sex with them?
- Did I brush their teeth?
- Is a PUA bootcamp a scam?
Stay tuned for the exciting conclusion of what an ABCs of Attraction PUA Bootcamp bootcamp is really like!
{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }
You know what Heather? I was VERY surprised that you guys actually went thru this much trouble or shit regardless such a monumental cause and helping fellow asian guys. Personally, i have alot of respect for what you guys do!
But honestly, would a person working for the ABC’s of attraction really say that the ABC’s of attraction is bad? I mean, the typical market scheme would be “Client A initially thought something was bad/has doubts.” Then “Client A tried it out” and finally “Client A found out it was good and promotes it.”
Haha, just teasing. I’m sure the bootcamps are good. I’ve done my own research on it and I’m a very analytical person so if I’ve put my money down for something, it’s only for something I have a lot of faith in.
Hey uh… where are all the part II’s? lol.
If their client did not see any result or did not feel any improvement,they had already bellied up.
I have not trained from PUAs,at this point I don’t know if it’s work or not.But I believe this kind of training is really helpful for sales person.I think the best timing to take this kind of training is college first year or second year.
You can’t say every boot cam is legit.Some are good some are not.
I think this girl has guts to tell friends about her work.This is something you want to keep secret your regular friends.
I remember my high school time when friends asked me what type of girl do you like then I said I like white girl’s name.Then after my friends made fun of me because I did not pick girl from own race.
And college time,when I date with white girl,my Asian friends made fun of me.Nobody make fun of it,when you see Asian girl with white man.It is just normal.If you walk with white girl,fellow Asian guys attack you.
Getting better with women also should hide to your friends because your friends may attack you.
Alright, let me tell you guys a story that you may consider mind blasting. I take Muay Thai and Brazilian JuJitsu and my gym was having a Christmas party. Now, most people that go to the gym were not Asian, but mostly white or hispanic. No biggie, but that means that most of the women there were not Asian as well. I gotta say at the Christmas party there were a lot of White girls who were into me. Some said they preferred Asian looks, etc. Were they girls with Asian fetishes? Maybe, but like I said, the gym didn’t have a lot of Asian people there to begin with, so I would tend to believe that I wouldn’t run into those type of women anyways.
Personally, I would say that the whole idea that white women not being into Asian men is a myth. I think if I really tried, I could have dates/relationships/liaisons with many white women. However, I’m just not really into white women so I don’t really try all that much. One thing I think you do need is at least a little bit of height. At least be North American average height. I’m right at North American average at 5-9. If you are shorter, then you would be at a disadvantage and the nerdy, effeminate Asian male stereotype comes more into play mentally in a chick’s mind. Often times an accent, especially a Southeast Asian accent, is a bit of a turn off too.
I also notice that I get the most play with women from areas where there are not a lot of Asians around like Florida, the South, the Mid-West, etc. Also, if a white girl went to an Asian heavy college like UCLA or UCI they are more interested in Asian men. If they had medium exposure to Asian men like NYU or UC Santa Barbara or USC, they tend to have the least amount of interest in Asian men. These are just my observations IMHO.
I’m curious what you have on your chopstick, looks like a piece of poo. BTW, you gals need to lose some weight, your too glandular and fat!!
Keep sucking cock, matt.
Incidentally, I bang girls that look like Charlize Theron. And I’m from Taiwan. You must get sick to your stomach thinking about that, as you jerk it to hairy Czech whores on the internet. I guarantee…head to head, I am more attractive than you. Anytime you want to test this, email me.